Follow up on reporting

My whole team just reported a player, but majority of what he did was in draft chat and it isn’t stored in replay. Should i make screens and send them somewhere?

Reporting people makes more harm to your mmr than it does to the person being reported so just suck it up and don’t even bother.

How so? That guy had full red history of trolling, I doubt anything can do more harm than that.

People often report out of spite, I guess it’s even more often then legitimate reports. I guess they just put you apart with other people who report a lot. It works similar when people report you a lot for verbal harassment. Just don’t report people and don’t bother when someone trolls or whatever. Just try to always play at your best. Go play 20 matches against ai and then go league with chat turned off, don’t write a thing, don’t report anyone, you will see how much it changes.