Full premades in QM vs randoms

Reported… on all options because
“pLaYiNg wITh fRIeNdS iSnT AGaInSt tHe RuLeS”

the only times I play in a group is with randoms when I grind exp and even then I tend to go with meme comps if my team is okay with it.

Playing with premades isn’t bad. Look at other competitive multiplayer games that also can have a 5 man premade and 5 randoms. If someone wants to play with their friends, why should they be punished?

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It is not. In fact, people are encouraged to do so, as grouping up provides more bonuses and allows containment of the boost for more net-gain. Being actual friends is a bonus. I wager 90% of premades are people who spot others playing well and invite them along for the next match, which explains why a lot of people randomly get invited to groups.

Anyone who considers reporting people simply because they were playing in a premade are very likely candidates for “Taking quick-match (ARAM) far too seriously”.

You do realize this is a competitive 5v5 game, right? Posts like this show one of many reasons why there’s so many dud reports and venom during games. Lack of understanding of what they’re actually playing.

This is what you call waving a paintbrush and can be totally ignored. Welcome to a competitive 5v5 game where teaming up is encouraged. It may facilitate solo play or smaller group play, but that doesn’t change what it is.

Your post makes about as much sense as me tuning into a League or DOTA stream to give out about people being grouped in a 5v5 environment instead of playing solo or duo in Quick Match / ARAM mode.

There is nothing wrong with grouping. In fact, it is often more beneficial to do so. Finding people of like-mind (and actually gaining more XP from it) is infinitely better than going solo and rolling the random dice in a quick match. People just project loss-bitterness when facing groups. No amount of bitter solo’s, duo’s, triples or quad’s losing to a quintuple makes it wrong or bad, especially in Quick Match, where you are signing up for a literal random ‘quick match’.

Note, I say that as someone who has played solo almost exclusively for over five years.

Normally there are 2 types of pre-made groups:

  1. Randoms that met-up in group finder so they would get more exp
  2. People who want to play with friends.

I really don’t know in what world you live in because I almost never see someone who is intentionally feeding in HOTS.

I tend to meet only master and grandmaster 5mans and obviously they should never match against anything other than another 5man of the same mmr but its not gonna happen in a game with some of the smallest playerbases out there.
They autowin quickmatch since they simply cant group queue into rank mode together.
Obviously fair matchmaking was never their agenda and never will be.

Not all of this is true. I think most do it for the extra xp. That is how it startet for me. Then i have been in groups were we where on voice and also had a fun time. But with how you startet off your post, i can emagine no one wants to be in a time with you

I agree that the mm is a joke. But some of the other statements weren’t true