Game With 30 Kills 60 Assists And 3 Deaths, LOST THEM ALL <snip>

I Played A Full Game, Every Thing Closed Except Blizzard And HOTS, By Some Miracle, I Hade No Lag The Hole Game…
When The Game Ended Me And My Friends Did Not See The MVP Sequence And Got Thrown Directly To The XP Window. Waiting For Game Results, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting, Waiting AND THE WINDOW CLOSED, I GOT NO XP, NO Money Or What So Ever FROM A GAME WHERE I HAD NEARLY 30 KILLS AND ONLY 3 DEATHS!!! No Money, No XP, No Game In The Replays But It Still Counts As A Finished Game In Brawls !!!

Account: CristianVlad#21735.
Give Me My NOVA MVP, I Deserved It!

Hey CristianVlad,

Thank you for reporting the bugs you find, and helping the developers improve the game for us all. This is not the right place to report bugs though, post any bugs you find on the dedicated bug reporting forum instead.

Submissions posted there have the benefit of allowing a community discussion around high-impact bugs, which can occasionally help in prioritizing them. If you want to check on a bug, we also keep a list of known active issues at the top of that forum that all players can see.

Make sure to read the Community Code of Conduct before posting again or creating new threads. You can find the Code of Conduct here:

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!