Hero Skin suggestion: Cydaea Zagara

Cydaea Zagara

All models are Diablo 3 Act III demons.

Hero model

Basic attack projectile:

[D] Creep Tumor
Tumor - Flaming furnace
Creep - Scorched earth

[Q] Baneling Barrage
A fiery portal opens and a Fallen Lunatic runs out.
Explodes in fire on contact.

[W] Hunter killer
Spawns a Demonic Hellflyer that shoots fireballs.
Walks on ground, or flies if upgraded to mutalisk

[E] Infested Drop
A fiery meteor that explodes into Tormented Stingers that shoots spikes from their tail stinger

[R1] Devouring Maw

Ghom erupts from the ground in a cloud of putrid stench and engulfs heroes
in his belly-mouth(?)
The earth crackles and collapses, lowering heroes into a burning chasm

[R2] Nydus Worm
A Demonic Hell Bearer erupts from the ground