HotS -- more skill or luck?

No I will not trust you!

Provide proof please

How would you like the poster to provide any proof, other than anecdotal evidence, considering Blizzard does not document their silence/ban mechanisms?

One can only make conclusions based on experience. As I played this game for over three years, I can confidently state that I have had similar experiences. I have reported players who were grossly abusive (wishing cancer on my family or other physical harm) only to see them continue playing a day/week later, while experiencing silences/bans for very innocuous comments which pale in comparison.

If however you managed to annoy enough of your teammates with comments like 'you all need to uninstall’ you can expect a very swift ban.

As for being innocently silenced/banned, you would have to ask why (if not the case) Blizzard even provides a mechanism for appealing the ban if a person hasn’t been wrongly banned.

It is quite easy to figure out how the system works. Once you are over the thresh-hold for reports, you are red-flagged, possible even matched up with smurf Blizz players or GM’s. If you irritate any of them (regardless of how they play) be sure to enjoy your ban.

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they need to introduce yellow cards like in football, a lot less bans would be issued that way (red cards)

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Actually they do

Plenty of people can appeal their punishments and I have seen many cases where people are indeed guilty of abusing chat when they assume themselves to be completely innocent

Correct, but there are a few problems.

  1. In order to appeal, you are now requested to provide proof of your real id. Many people, including myself, don’t want to be giving away our identifies to a company that has been known to leak customer data in the past. It is okay to play the game anonymously, except if you wish to appeal a ban?

  2. The definition of verbal abuse is so vague that almost any negative comments that a person has made can be considered ‘abusive’. A sarcastic ‘wp’, or ‘please stop feeding’, or ‘guys… really’ … can be considered ‘abusive’. At gold I received ‘negative comments’ almost every game for picking Gazlow, despite having a 56% winrate over 900 games with him. If I then brought up the fact that the guy complaining about me had a 45% winrate with Kaelthas, within minutes I would be blocked/reported… for obviously being abusive.

Blizzard does not follow up on grotesquely abusive insults if isolated. I’ve reported many very abusive players in the past and they continued playing days and weeks later. In what world is it okay to tell someone you hope they get cancer and their account continues to be active? It is clear that reports add up and players with multiple complaints lodged against them are always on thin ice, while players who are grossly abusive at times, but overall have fewer average complaints, do not get reprimanded.

This IMO is this game’s biggest problem, but thankfully I don’t have to live with the consequences.

Why do you say this?

Please elaborate

Blizzard share information about you with their social media, advertising and analytics partners, in addition to its parent, and its various affiliates and sister companies. In other words, logging into this site and commenting using my real ID can now be linked to numerous other websites and companies including google, facebook and linkedin, to name just a few. While I am willing to have signed up to this game and having my anonymous data
shared with these companies, I am not willing to share my real identity, which suddenly becomes a requirement when querying a suspension, accidental or not.

Blizzard was hacked in 2012 (one that we know of) and while they “found no evidence” that financial and other very important details were compromised, it could well be that the hackers that stole my personal information may just one day play a game against me, get super annoyed and proceed to make my real life very difficult. Considering the vile comments that have been made against me, I would very much prefer not to reveal my identity to other gamers out there.

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All you have written above is nonsense

Nobody is conspiring against you

And the reason why they want your REAL ID is probably because they don’t want the same person with multiple accounts to get away with punishments

The statements are accurate, taken from Blizz’s own website and cookie documentation.

Yes, that is fairly obvious. It doesn’t however change the fact that in order to query a silence/ban you are required to forgo your anonymity (which wasn’t the case a year ago). So yes, you are right, you can appeal a suspension, but at a cost not all are willing to pay.

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Suits me just fine

Because not all DESERVE to have their suspensions and silences lifted!

Appeals make no sense. Its like when god sends you to hell, and then you appeal the decision and he will find something you did. Like, you enjoyed holding it a bit too much when you peed last Saturday before your death and your confession didn’t cover it…the analogy is correct, complain all you want.

Just stop replying to this Xylord dude, I think he need attention. Must be a troll. Doesnt take anyones word but his.

last match I just completed points out to me how little individual skill means in this game.
We lost.
I was the only reason why the game dragged to high levels and when they won, it was because their entire team focused on me and finally got me.
When the game ended, I as Zuljin had done somewhere little over 171k hero damage. number 2 in hero damage on my team was Guldan who had done little over a third of the hero damage I had done. On opponents team none of them were anywhere near me either in hero damage.
Yet when we finally lost I am deducted rank points for being teamed up with people that did less than my opponents, and I am to asume this is actually a representation of MY skill?

Rank is purely a matter of luck in who you are teamed up with, nothing more.

I would say that is 3 of 5, but you’ll probably need to play a lot of games in higher ranks.
In diamond and low master people get to high master when playing A LOT, but you need to play a lot to get trolls and feeders in the enemy team too, because in this game it doesn’t matter if you are doing better than any player of the match, you can easily lose if you are unlucky. Even CrisHeroes, proplayer, #1 GM all seasons, playing all day. He lose games due to bad teams, feeding and trolling, yea. Like 6 or 7 in a row some days. WITHOUT PLAYING BADLY.

My point is that, yea good players get they rank they deserve after carry a lot, but you shouldn’t need to play 400 games, 220 wins and 180 loses or something like that in HIGH RANKS, to achieve master and higher. Because the system doesn’t care of your KDA ratio or MVP, or well if its just stadistics, or your average performance with the hero that you are using like the qualification in LoL, with a S, A, for example.

If you have played hundrends of games rank is quite accurate sign of skill.

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Clearly this person needs more than hundreds of games to learn their lesson

I sincerely doubt even thousands will be enough

It really annoys me when someone assumes they are skilled just because they dealt the most damage in a game

Did saving their teammates and working together with them never occur to them?

So allow me to educate you all

Understand THIS:

Even if you deal a million points of Hero or Siege Damage EACH!

If you are not working together with your team to win then the reason why you lose SHOULD BE obvious to you


Individual skill matters but not as much as your willingness and ability to work together with others

And it feels wonderful when you do too


That is right, just giving couple of statistic do not mean you played good. I have had many games where someone has sick hero dmg but they were the solo reason we lost.

Let’s say you play thrall and you literally whole game just look to crash lighting enemies to get quest done and maxime your dmg. You will most likely be top dmg by far but meanwhile you might have cost your team to lose the game.

Only, the only way to judge if someone played good in certain game is to watch the replay analyze it


I find this logic fascinating . What exactly is ‘working together with your team’, considering the fact that you are matched up with four other random players

The purpose of a solo laner is precisely to push your lane, soak xp, hit camps, gather gems (e.g. spider queen) … or is that not working together with your team?

The entire point Xylord is that the game is dictated by your ability to work together with four other random player, many of whom do not even speak English, half who are already tilting because they were matched up with other players in a losing match 3 minutes earlier :slight_smile:

So , your team pings on a boss and IF they all help, you will take the boss and possible end the game. Except of course one guy decides to do something else while you four end up dying at the boss, they take the boss, they push and they win. All because ONE GUY didn’t agree with your call :slight_smile:

The is the entire point. The game very often depends on which players you are matched with, not how well you play or how nicely you speak before the game. Heck, 30% of my wins in Gold were precisely because I ignored my teammates and their dumb decisions, took two mercs camps and pushed a lane to the core … while they were on an objective…

The fact that you made a post about being unable to play this game anymore speaks volumes while I still can

It clearly shows you were doing something wrong

And I have been doing something right

if you solo play like me, for 3-4 years. its 95% luck and nothing else. Meaning quickmatch. You get matched with people that have 37% winrate, you loose.
You get a bad setup, you loose.
These are just quickmatch facts that you can spot while the game is loading. You can spot the winning team before the match starts and atleast on whatever my mmr is, is always an easy to spot fact.
It is all luck. As for playing in a team its more like 25% luck since all it is, is wether the enemy team is a full team aswell which it very very rarely is and their level of skill.

For rank, its maybe 50-60% luck again. Who you face makes a big difference so its pretty 50-50 wether you have any chance at all and the last 10% is you simply messing up character draft.