How to aim for better rank

hello, i play hots on and off since alpha, im far from being the perfect player but im for sure a decent one. First time posting on this forums.

im stuck in silver 1 sometime going to gold5 or silver 2.
I play solo most of the time as i have no friends who also play.
It seems that sometimes my team have a brain and we can win even against super good comps, or we just complety blow them off.
Other times my team is completly clueless or choose meme comps and even me who try to always do my best lose motivation and do not play as good as i can,

I think i deserve more then a silver rank, i would say around gold 1 or 2 for now. How can i try to reach there ? is any way to avoid this clueless people without friends to play?


ps : i mainly play as healer , varian twin bladesor mages ,dont really understand how to play a tank properly as i play too much wow and tanks have no spot in pvp, any updated tank guide you guyz can link me?

Generally speaking, the most important stat for carrying is experience. If you play macro well, you can get 2k - 5k experience more than anyone on the enemy team. Even with bad team mates, if your team is 2 levels ahead then you will win the vast majority of your fights.

2nd most important skill is to make plays, aka create picks so that you can do obj / push with the advantage. Ganking is important.

This does mean you should pick Heroes that are able to do the 2 things above well. You can still do that with a healer, just dont expect to carry with passive ones like morales. Rehgar for example can soak exp and even gank fairly well. Ana can set up kills like a boss with the sleeping dart.

Also, regardless of the hero type you play, make sure you are always in 20%+ ahead in your key stat, e.g. if you are a healer then you should be pumping a lot higher healing numbers than the enemy. If you dont, watch your replays to see why not and improve. As mage, your damage numbers should also be much higher than the enemy.

I got to diamond with 70% winrate only solo so it is certainly very possible to hard carry in this game. Just dont tilt when you are unlucky.