I despise Nazeebo

I hate having to deal with him in any match, either QM or Unranked. Ignore him, and he can solo lane without any consequences. Fight him, and you have to avoid his spiders and toads that you can’t even kill to get rid of, unlike Murky’s Pufferfish. And even then, he has an absurd amount of health for a mage.

And of course, he has Iceblock, which is not even a Diablo ability. Why does he have it still?

In short, his abilities and ults force you to keep your distance to avoid standing in the fire, giving him time to either pursue or flee.

How do you even deal with this guy? I hate to say he needs a nerf, but I feel like he does. Either his health or his damage.

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He deals really absurd amount of damage after lvl 20. But its lvl 20 and his quest isnt that easy to complete.
If you dont want to suffer from his spiders, try to keep the distance or move unpredictable, especially if you want to dodge his wall combo.
Yep, having iceblock for Diablo “hero” is kinda weird, but do you remember Malfurion? :joy:
Anyway its his only talent that can save him from damage.
If he hit you with spiders, just run away from them, and especially if you are near gates so they cant reach you and they will die quickly.
He got a lot of hp, but he can heal himself from 2 talents in lvl 4 only - “Hexed Crawlers” or “Blood Ritual” (and he got some “heal” from “Soul Harvest”, but its used for Spell Power).
Blood Ritual works good only against creeps, because its hard to kill heroes with it. And Hexed Crawlers is buff to spiders, so its easy to dodge and denie his sustain.
Ravenous Spirit is really easy to denie.
Gargantuan is pretty strong, but you can just ignore him.
What else could i say…

Both KTs don’t have means to save themselves from damage yet they’re frequently banned in unranked/ranked matches.

Which only proves my point. His abilites and ults force you to fall back. Can’t pursue at all.

Not really. Smart Nazzholes (yes, I call him that because that’s what he is) would stay at a distance and behind his team. Either you pull out or fight through his team and his ult to get to him.

I feel like he needs a nerf to his health. He shouldn’t be as durable as a bruiser.

Naz is a lategame hero. So how might one win vs lategame heroes? Yes, poke, poke, gank, annoy him in rotations. In qm its very rng related whether you get matched with a decent solo laner vs a naz, but in unrankend you can easily counter him. Try and win the game by faster rotations, that is usually how one wins in general.