I want to lower my rank in ranked

I can’t play with my friends and I barley play ranked if not with friends who at the moment are silver 1 - 5.

I don’t care about rank but I do care to have fun with my friends.

Is there a way to lower it to their level? (without hurting other players by loosing games)

well the best way is just to create a new account and play with them with that one, with a exp boost you should get to 50 within 3 day. Depends on your rank as well, if you’re plat/diamond+ then you wont be able to quickly lower it to their level in a short amount of time, if you’re gold then just dodge drafts and do some leavers.

You can dodge drafts or make a new account like SavageDroggo said.
Leaving the game during draft makes you lose points, though i think you get a que penalty timer aswell(?).
Can’t remember, so that may take some time, but same goes for making a new account, good thinking to not ruin the games for others though, cudos.

For some players, ranked may seem like a randomized hole of a place, so making more variables against their favour is not something appriciated.

  • You get 0 to 4 penalty games per dodge: the amount of penalty games you get for a dodge increases each time you dodge.
  • Each penalty game requires you to win a QM/ARAM game.
  • You need to play several non-disconnected games to decrease the penalty games you get for a dodge.

Here is the problem: your MMR doesn’t decrease with draft dodging, only your rank does. So even if your rank is equal to your friend’s rank, you will gain more points per win and loose less per loss than your friend.

I don’t know what you friends rank is, but the lower you go the harder it gets to actually loosing without getting banned: games are far more random there.

I’ve done the whole Diamond to Bronze thing when you didn’t even need to win Brawl games, so I can confidently say it sucks. Making a new account is way faster.

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