Imperius + parry = ?

Okay, i don’t know if this is a bug or if the talents are just badly worded.
But here is my issue: imperius passive says that each Basic Ability marks enemy Heroes hit for 10 seconds. Basic Attacks consume the target’s marks, dealing 30% bonus damage per mark.
And talents 1 and 4 for your passive are worded the same: ‘‘Consuming a Valorous Brand mark does something’’.
When you auto attack someone while they parry or dodge is active, your marks get consumed but dont do anything. I understand that you don’t deal bonus damge on your auto attck, but if the marks get consumed they should still heal or deal the % damage for the talents. Or marks shouldn’t be consumed when your attack gets avoided.

I just wanted to bring this interaction to light. So the wording on the passive and talents are wrong or it’s not exactly working as intended.
Thanks for your time and have a nice day.

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