Improve unranked draft by removing rng

This mode is expected to be interesting by proposing an equivalent to ranked games.
This permit by opposition of quickmatch mode to be able to choose heros based on the map, of the team enemy and his team.
Except that there is a fundamental difference with the ranked, it is the pick order which is forced. And this reduces most of the benefits of this mode.

For example, it is no longer possible, if last pick, to choose a strong champion on the map since it will be ban (by our or the enmy team) or pick by the team enemy. It’s 6 chance to get it banned and 4 to 5 chance to be taken before (and that’s only countin enemy team pick).
Players that are not this much adaptable won’t be able to counter pick, by adapting the role or giving the enemy team an opening to have strong combinason (for example, last pick support).
Basically it adds something random that can be either convenient or inconvenient in the choice of champions.
And i do not think this has been wanted, because adding this kind of random is not the purpose of hots (yes we’re not in heartstone here).

Maybe this is intentional, and that to avoid duplicating the classified parts, this mode is slightly different.
Maybe it’s to avoid abuse, it’s easy to leave compared to the ranked (but this can be adapted, there is several way that could be explored to deal with it).
But to my mind, this is not enough to maintain this mode as it is.

Ps: English is not my mother tongue, so pardon me if it’s troublesome to understand.

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