Junkrat's Extra Oomph talent

That talent is so OP. Pretty much does so he can spam his ulti

Dude its lvl 20 talent.

So that makes it okay for the talent to be OP?.. bs argument

Is it though?
There are several talents that are WAY more “broken” than Junkrats ult talent.
lvl 20 talents are ment to have a massive impact on the game.
You also have to consider every counter messure you can take to prevent junkrats talent from even mattering.

Take Dehakas lvl 20 adaption talent forexample.

“Increase adaption healing to 200% of the dmg taken, and reduce the cd by 30sec”
Which makes it a 30sec cd ult with nearly a guaranteed 100% full heal.
He quite litteraly has a Rehgar ult for himself every 30 seconds.

also despite both of these guyss “broken” lvl 20 talents, none of these talents are picked super often, atleast not above plat.
one of Junkrats most picked lvl 20 talent is the “Cannonballs” which increases the radius of the explosion from both your Q and your basic attacks.

While Dehaka rarely even picks the adaption ult at all.

So to call it a bs argument is farfetch’d as these talents ain’t really broken when playd vs in a proper maner.