Just wanted to ask

So, Tassadar is in Free Rotation. By no means do I think he’s a bad character, but I was wondering:

Does anyone actually like his Basic Attack?

It’s fine if you do or not, I was just curious.

I honestly hate that it isn’t a choice anymore

But it is a good basic attack because it slows while doing constant damage

He used to have a normal ranged attack just like all other ranged heroes

Distortion Beam used to be an optional talent

his a support, basic attacks dont carry much damage, but paired with an AA attacker, tassa can b very impactful, also with his walls.

Tassa + greymane or varian twin blades or ilidan = super awesome

Tassadar was good, they reworked him, Tassadar is garbage now.

Anything Tassadar does any other support hero does 10 times better, like Zarya, Abathur, Medivh.

Only good thing about him is his wall ult that can make some plays, everything else is just trash. His trait is garbage, his auto attack is garbage, storm is garbage, shield is beyond garbage.

…and I used to love him prior to this abomination of a “rework”.

I used to love the OLD Tassadar as well

But as a true Tassadar lover I can still play him well

The trick is to be optimistic no matter how bad you think things are and just play

Tassadar is still amazing

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Not all live with rose tinted glasses on all the time.

All should at least try wearing some from time to time

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