Leaver ai needs to be fixes

First one it is pretty much useless. The AI can be better, that can be seen if you play VS AI. Then what dumb person thought it was a good idea to change it, so you have to ping it, to make it done something. The game is clearly run by people who don’t play this game

Question time, what would you do to fix it?
The line is pretty thin between having a broken AI and a weak one.

broken AIs hit you with all its spells.
A weak one gives you a chance to dodge them.

I’d say if i am at let’s say bronze or silver and we meet an AI acting like a Grand Master Player, then that would encourage duos at lower ranks to have 1 guy leave to secure a win.

but the current one is useless. And that thing that you have to ping it to get it to do something, is ridicules

It is like that because alot of people complained about the A.I doing nothing but die.
Atleast now you can controll if you want that A.I following you around or not.

This useless AI just shows that Blizzard dosen’t care about this game and that they don’t play it. Plus what if it’s your healer.