Leavers Queue - is this a joke?!

I almost never posted anything on these forums because I believed that it’s a waste of my time to do so since no one will care about it anyway. But today I decided to vent my anger at the “brilliant” improvement to the leavers queue.

I recently had a drop-out from Unranked Draft (misunderstanding with teammate whom I thought was going to pick his hero first; none of us did and the draft dropped me instead ). I saw I had 2 Leavers games to play to be able to queue UR again. I thought to myself “ok, no biggie. 2 games is not that much”. After about 4 games I realized that the status is not disappearing. When I read the description again I noticed that now I need to WIN 2 games of Leavers Queue…

I have played around 8 games now and lost EVERY SINGLE ONE! I’m stuck in this goddamn queue because in each match I have either afk’ers who disconnect after a few minutes and the godawful A.I. takes over OR wannabe PRO’s who just flame everyone and intentionally ignore objectives/teamfights, throwing a fit to show how much they don’t care about the outcome of the match. But do you know who cares? ME! I care every single time and I try my best to focus on objectives and being a useful teammate but all of that is for naught since even 1 guy that’s not cooperating can undo a win for everyone else.

This WIN Condition is by far one of THE WORST ideas anyone ever had. If you want to punish leavers/afk’ers that’s fine by me. But don’t make the punishment removal dependent on other players! I came back to this game after a month of hiatus and this is how I’m welcomed back - by wasting my time playing with people who just grief and troll others.

If you have any shred of logical reasoning left in you Blizz - remove this WIN condition from the Leavers Queue. This is immensely unfair.

Sorry for the long post but I was really steaming with anger posting this…


Blizzard are champions of terrible ideas. Especially since you left an unranked game…


WoW I feel you. Yea the people who made this dont respect gamers. Like seriously blizzard games are full of disrespect towards the playersbase.

Understand what I mean here. The games arent necessarily bad. I love hots to some extent. Its a great team game.
But their report systems and punishment systems are a disgrace. Especially how they treat people who invested thousands of hours into their games. Instead of giving long time players rewards they punish them for explaining veteran strategies to newbies who can report them even though they didnt type flagged words in the chat.

Abusive chat reports shouldnt be possible if the player just wrote strategy. It should only count for certain words.
People who are smart enough to flame around that deserve to be able to flame. Its the better solution.

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Flaming should never be permissible under any circumstances

If someone is using the chat system to flame no matter how cleverly they go about doing it

They deserve to be punished


If you want to tell newbies about strategy, what’s even the point for you to flame them?

I knew a guy just like this and yes both of his accounts got muted. He was trying to help players but with insults and shaming and so he was doing more harm then good.

Btw, what would you accomplish by flaming your teammates?


The win condition was put in to force you to play properly in your leaver penalty game. You can’t just mooch around, muck up the game, lose and have your leaver penalty removed any more, as some used to do.


Amazing! So they finally implemented it? Great! It was always disaster to meet a leaver in QM. They tend to just afk or force lose the game by intentional dying. Glad to know now they actually have to do their best to get out of it. Thanks for the positive news.


aha, now I understand why QM is full of garbage :smiley:
they just come spend some time and force lose to get rid the penalty asap

After disconenct from ranked draft i have to WIN 4 games in quickmatch. Out of 10 games in quickmatch i had 2 ppl leaving in all 10 games. Blizzard play that “game” yourself.

Isn’t that win trading :joy: I think that’s against the rules you could get banned for that.

Sadly they don’t devs only make the game they don’t play it themselves.

I got this penalty too when my game just crashed and I didnt play with quitters for some reason.

Take a big breath. This is going to be hard to understand. You are very ignorant, sorry :frowning:

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