Legendary heroes

So, why is every hero added “Legendary”? Yes, I know its because of marketing and price… but come on…

Blaze is legendary, but Diablo isn’t. Blaze is random nobody from SC, who recently was revealed to be heavens devil and works with Tychus, while Diablo is lord of terror, prime evil, main villain in diablo lore, series which is named after him.

Just remove those awful marks, if you won’t make them relevant to characters, make all new ones cost 10k gold and be done with it.

I find this insulting.






These are tags that usually denote how much of a chance you have to find them in a loot chest

They have nothing to do with actual lore

Although since you do make Diablo sound as if he’s actually menacing:

I will add that he has been defeated three times

Twice by humans who weren’t Nephalem with awakened abilities

Humans who would have most likely lost against Blaze

At some point, certain heroes are demoted from Legendary, to Epic. Like Gul’dan, Alarak, Ragnaros, Li-Ming and Lt. Morales. Not sure if I’ve forgotten any.

That’s not what is being discussed here

Arbiter is talking about Epic or Legendary status as if it should reflect the lore of the universes these heroes come from

For example:

Blaze is mostly unknown in the StarCraft universe so he shouldn’t be Legendary

And Diablo should be Legendary considering he is the titular character of his own franchise

He is taking their rarity status from loot chests in a more literal sense

He wants the rarity status to reflect how much of an impact that hero has had in their stories

As you can plainly see, Lore has nothing to do with it. Probius is Legendary, but a made up char. It has no identity in Starcraft. Just being a random probe.

He really is

But Chevron:

EVERYONE in this game is a made up character

That’s why they are called FICTIONAL characters

Probius is in here:

Being awesome

Even his biography talks about it:

“Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus”

See it for yourself

Quite likely an intentional afterthought. The cinematic was released on September 13, 2015. Probius was released in Heroes of the Storm at March 14, 2017. They likely wanted to do a Probe-hero, and figured that this specific Probe would be a good reference to make - and so they did.

Either way, there isn’t really anything left to discuss in the thread, is there? Arbiter seems to have thought that the Hero Rarity had a connection to their Lore, but it is as both you and Chevron says:

Should it be? No. It’s perfectly fine that the Rarity is based upon how new and/or complex a given Hero is.

And what is more legendary than being a representative of a huge nameless mass of units, who become so famous that he gets summoned to the Nexus? :smiley:

All heroes are devaluating in time - and price is droping.
A lot of heroes who were “legendary” 2 years ago, are no longer now.

TLDR; Remove it. Absolute no need for such categorization if it won’t be applied properly.

I honestly have no problems with this

Especially since the company does need to make money in order to continue their work and support for this game

It also makes me happier when I actually do find a very hard to find hero I’ve wanted in a loot chest

Feels more rewarding