Lost the drive to play my best

what i noticed is, i feel powerless. i can be such a good player, but lately my drive has completely deminished…

i have been suffering the silver to gold stuck sympton from as long as i play…

each season, it doesnt metter how good i place, even if i have 8 out of 10 wins, my place from previous season is remembered and i will get back to where i was… why even change season then? whats the point of reseting, since nothing is reset. u just get back to your old spot… nonsense

each time i play good, get few winning streaks, the blizzard matchmaking system would make sure i get 1-2 bad players in my draft just to pull me back … to keep my win rate around 50% or lower…

i really like playing hots. or i used to like it… but i noticed its not up to me, i am so dependent on the rest of team. and that one that get me with good or bad players on my side is something i do not have controll over, its blizzard matchmaking…

its so bad, i honestly have no words to explain , other then cursing. who ever programmed it. i have to say u did a bad job.