Love the Matchmaking <3

Love it when I que as Varian and get punished by enemy team getting 2 tanks and a bruiser while I’m our only bruiser/tank with 4 dps <3 Love how the incompetence of the developers clearly SHINES through here :slight_smile:


All you people I believe assume that there is an infinite supply of players picking every character in the game at all times in every region, every game mode, so that matchmaker can build a “perfectly balanced team as per player X’s belief”.
This is simply not the case. You’d be queued forever and then complain “3 days I can’t find a match, the incompetence of devs blahblah”. And once you found a match, it’d be “ALL THE OTHER PLAYERS BUT ME WERE BOTS AND OR DUMB, IT’S ALL DEV’S FAULT”. It’s tiring to read those, really.


Welcome to MM…

Bruh if one team can have 2 tanks bruiser healer and assasin and it goes aganst a bruiser 3 assasins and a healer do you not find it sus why cant the game swap one tank with an assasin in the teams? Were searching for a fair team with equal roles. Fine instead of one assasin i get a support and it comes to a fair game. But getting two tanks in one team against a team with only a bruiser and rest is assasins is just unbeliavable.

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I would Not assume they think anything. They just dont know how matchmaking works and what a matchmaker does.

Nope. This Haus Never been matchmaking and this will Never ne matchmaking.

You are matched based on MMR heuchelt is hidden in qm. But ist is still there, which makes MM complex enough.
And ist gets eben more complicated, when people que as premades.

If you have a solution in form of an alghorythm, then let the developers know.
I am pretty sure, its not only Blizzard who would be interessted.


yes, “love the matchmaking”…

thanks matchmaker for giving me only dps playing fools that ends up getting outdamaged by brightwing in 30 minute game.

lol…just had a QM with 5 premates of 2 masters and 1 smurf zera…they got zera/tracer/dva/bw/liming vs our team of ktz/reg/naz/nova/gaz

they got cleanse vs our only mage and we got no frontline or any 1click stun for jumpy zera/tracer… lost with 5 lvl difference and 40:5 kills…they taunted at our core and had so much fun ruining the game for us (3x gold/1x silver/1xplat) and afterwards u get called “git gud” from the zera smurf of 1 day lvl 18 zera only…

From what I read, it means you were playing qm. I, too have a problem playing and enjoying Varian in qm. Varian players have it hard, 'cause they want to show his full potential. Not always picking Taunt, being yelled at 'cause you want to be “a bruiser” by picking Smash or being called a winblades.

Ranked are the place for Varian. I know he’s the last bruiser pick in draft, but you can at least ban heroes, chat with team while picking heroes and tell them you want to go mainly smash (bruiser), tb (assassin) or taunt (taunt).

I much prefer playing ranked when I want to enjoy him. You can try at least que as bruiser and melee assassin, so they will know when you pre-pick him and if they are st*pid… I guess it doesn’t change the fact that you will lose.