Matchmaking and stacked teams

I wanted to spend my evenings playing something, so I decided to again give a try to HotS. I am a long time player, played since beta and I was usually somewhere in gold in ranked (which is mostly what I played as I found it more fun than other modes). I played my 3 placement matches - had someone AFK in first, someone trollpick in second and a someone disconnect in third (which btw seemed as a server issue as it happened very often around the season start). I was put into Bronze 3. I ranked up to Silver 4 over the week with around 75% win rate, but then I started to get matches that are absolutely stacked in favor of the opponent and even though I tried playing various heroes that can carry a match the other players are so bad that we often end up 3 levels behind 5 minutes in.

I tried to team up with other fairly skilled players, but either the rest of the team gets populated by total lemmings or if we go in as a full party the opposing team plays at pro level and trounces us.

In short, the matchmaking seems to be dead set to prevent players from getting above 20 net positive in wins, even if it means stacking half of the matches to ridiculous levels.

I would probably spend quite some time with HotS as I am big fan of Blizzard’s universes and playing with my favorite characters is good fun, but the stacked matches make playing just an exercise in futility. I am secretly hoping that if enough people pleaded with Blizzard to adjust how the matchmaking works, maybe they would change it. It should allow you to consistently have above 50% win rate so that you can slowly move up as long as you are better than other players at that rank.

Well, as i’ve mentioned to other people who started playing again.
Don’t expect to be the same rank as you were when you quit playing.
Back in the Alpha, Beta and S1-S2 players didn’t even siege.
I remember coming from League into the Beta having just a blast sieging our hearts out, nobody was able to deal with it properly.

We quickly climbed to Rank 2 when S1 started and remained there til the end of that season.
Currently i am sitting right below master after coming back from a 4 month break from the game, expecting to hit master again within the season, my top rating being master 3600 (Something)
I also got the experience of ranking up an alt account from Bronze 1 to Diamond 1, where i aswell got alot of AFKs and DCs and so on, it was frustrating, but you should realize that is one of the main reasons as to why people are in those low ranks, attitude, internett, playstyle… and so on.

I would refrain from thinking that theres a hero that can “Carry” you can “carry” equally well as Murky as you can with KT or Valla or whatever is considered “Carry” heroes at that rank.

I ranked up from B1 to D1 as Nova just to prove a point back then.
Nova is a DPS though i could have just as equally ranked up as a healer or a tank as long as i knew what i was doing and how to take advantage of my team and the enemy team.

Often people play around fighting to much, which is silly because they are litteraly fighting for nothing.
Objectives, sieging, camps… and so on should be your main goal, the only reason to fight is to get those things, besides that it’s just about soaking safely.

Keep in mind about 3-4 minions (A wave is 6 minions + catapult if you’ve lost a keep) is equal to a kill, so if you run around fighting to get maybe 1-2 kills and skip 5 waves just to get that kill, then you essentially skipped 6-7 kills just to MAYBE (Huge maybe) get 1 or 2 kills from whatever run you were on.

Anyways glad to have you back though, got any questions feel free to pop them, i am sitting around the forums quite often.

The fact that you’re flexing your stats by stating how good you are in a game where you play with 4 other people having the same goal, to win the match, says a lot about the “pros” in this game, and your mental state. Sure it would be interesting to check your account and see your kda, win ratio, games played, how many times you got mvp, specific heroes you play, but also if you play solo or with friends, and what time of the day you usually play, but I dont care that much.

The illussion you have that you “carry” matches its quite amusing. I was top 3 in eu in 3v3 and 4v4 in sc2, like 10 years ago for 2 consecutive years. Not only in my specific league but in my region, when sc2 mattered and almost everyone was playing it. A game that is 100 times more demanding, to say at least, than this kids game. However, I never said I carry matches although in sc2 this term has more meaning. I was nothing without my allies, guess why, cause it was a team game and effort. Simply put, I couldnt defend a push from my opponents if my allies didnt have units!

Just like it is a team game and effort here in Hots. You cant play an assassin if you dont have a tank to absorb the damage and a healer to heal you, for example. You cant win fights if frontline cuts the team in half and you die from enemy divers. You cant win the objectives if your team constanly dies before them, or dont group to do them. Sure you can push the lanes alone and do the camps, things the opposing laner will counter successfuly. So what? 4 good players can carry a noob and win the match, can a really good player carry 4 noobs is the question!

You’re just a glich in the blizzmatrix having, constantly, good allies in the majority of the games you play (alone?). You’re just the exception that proves that soloq matchmaking and ranking up divisions sucks, big time.

(and for those who dont know/remember nova was broken back then)

No reason to take offense here mate.

Stating my ranks just to prove a point, and the fact that i had no problem taking my alt account up aswell.

Nova was not broken back then, this is not pre stealth changes.

We are talking half a year ago, not 2-3 years ago.

Like i tried to state earlier that carrying is not a term you should use in this game, it would be more taking advantage of your teams mistakes, that is litteraly what sepperates the good from the bad in this game.
When i see my team do bad initiates, i either turn those initiates into something good, or i see it as a pointless fight and do whatever else is needed.

I think rather than taking these things to heart as offensive attacks towards yourself, you should perhaps take to it and learn.
SC2 and HOTS are 2 completly different things, SC2 requires alot of micromanaging.
HOTS requires some, not as much, it requires more fine tuning if anything.
You got more air for small mistakes in SC2, while in HOTS small mistakes is usually massive.

My main hero is and has nearly always been Valla just since you mentioned it, i got my AA heroes from League, so i transfered that into this game when i started playing this during the HOTS Beta.
So now i play like AA Li-Ming and AA-Diablo and all things i can mostly build into AA heroes.