Medivac & Tyrael cheat?


This issue most likely been mentioned before but here goes…

i just played a ranked game against Raynor, Nazeebo, Lt. Morales, Tyrael and Artanis.

They rushed the first fort in the first 3 minutes of the game. After they hit level 10 they used Lt. Morales ultimate to rush the next fort (still behind walls and turrets).

Finally they rushed the core within the first 8 minutes of the game.

This strategy needs to be removed from the game. Either buff the forts or nerf Lt. Morales ult (eg. not flying in enemy base).

Lost a ranked match to that ridiculous strategy.

I know people will have their own opinions but I think trhis isn’t how the game is intended to be played and thus feel Blizzard should prevent this happening.

Can provide replay if needed.

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I feel your disappointment.
Had exactly the same scenario, with a bit of differen combination, but morales ws there… they used ulti 3 times, 1st for keep, n twice for the core as we got them the first time they landed,
but its like almost impossible, its pretty broken this thing, and totally un-fun stuff, tht ultimate shud be removed and changed. Or it shud b charged up, but healing a set amount of healing without dying, or something like tht to make it challengable

I disagree. I think it is extremely clever who invented that strategy. It is definitely counterable amd once you learn how to counter it the strategy becomes useless. They get wiped out each time and everytime they get wiped out your team can push longer and longer. In the end all they had was single tactic thay failed them.

Or you can always use one of your 3 bans for morales

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Ofcourse its counterable,
Banning Morales and wasting a slot is useless.
Also, if you miss detecting tht the enemy is planning this strategy, then its too late. Even if you know tht they will be doing tht particular strategy, things get tough, when the keep is down on one end, its reall rough, unless u hav etc or massiv stuns n follow up cc to wipe them out quickly, there little you can do

Also, this strategy doesnt linger on long, before ur lvl15 its already done,
by tht time, the death timers r not too big.

The key is to be very fast to react on ship

If all forts are shuted in one lane you can go core.

There is nothing you can do about it,just hard push.

They no need xp or anything just lvl 10.

Few days ago played vs this, thought slightly different and even more difficult to handle. Morales, Sylvanas, Muradin, Rexxar and Kael’thas.

They were using Syl to disable forts ofc.

I’ve soloed them as Fenix pretty easy, because I knew what they are up to the moment I’ve seen her ult… so just tracked Morales medivac CD and backed waiting for them… they drop out, ult, beam, teleport away…

My team was pushing and getting camps in opposite lane, 1-2 rotating back to me to destroy them.

Dunno, guess its just matter of handling it properly.

Later, at around lvl 13-14, they fell apart so much they only sent Morales and Syl to still try… but they were so far behind at the point, they were just feeding kills and giving us the map completely.

I have never lost to that strategy and for me it is very easy to counter

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Even cheesier thing to do is go Rehgar or Chromie, Aba and Zagara… shammy reveals the map, aba tunnels, spawn his locusts, and then changes into Zagara.

Uses her trait to spawn creep, she then puts a nydus on that creep and comes in… keep gone.

Yea that is cool tactic too! But all of these only work if the enemy dont know how to counter it

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I have never lost with that strategy and can`t be countered.

Maybe,maybe to wait in base on lvl 10 and kill them instant aand on and on and on.Make push till timer than back in base and again,and again.
Must be so effective,without shield damaged,if shield goes they will try two times more to finish.

In that compo is Naz or Azmo for ult,Morales heal,Tyrael ult Santi,Raynor and one more random what ever,with this 4 on core 5 can`t deal.If pick double support harder to kill,if pick Dmg easier to finish.

ALso Medivh have portals can get in from side

Medivac Dropship isn’t so weak now is it?

I told you before that Lieutenant Morales was strong when working with a team built around her and yet you still doubt that?

Pandagic is right

There is a reason why Medivac Dropship alerts all players when it is activated


the only use of medivac in game i saw was this broken strategy, never anything else :slight_smile:

every hero is strong when working with the team,
but the way her ulti is being used, its completely destroying the gameplay, and thts why im against it

Clearly you have not been looking hard enough as it can be used in many ways

It’s not destroying anything

Lieutenant Morales has always been an ALL or NOTHING Hero with very little middle ground

That’s why she only does very few things as a Healer

But what she does

She ends up doing EXTREMELY WELL

If anyone feels she’s broken or this is a cheat then their way of thinking is very narrow minded and not creative

You have every opportunity to counter this strategy if your team can work together even half as well as the one using this Medivac Dropship surprise attack

Coordinated teams winning against teams that lack it have always been a constant ever since this game began

None of you should be surprised

Nope, shes not,
i meant the strategy is broken, as it destroys the core aspects of the gameplay of HOTS which include =
1= Team fights
2= Getting mercs
3= Getting XP
4= Getting Objective

in tht strategy, its just rush keep, rush core rush core,
no check on mercs, no worry abt xp no nothing,

Morales as a healer is gud, shes one of the most played healer by me,

but tht strategy is just a pain.

It’s supposed to be that way

Heroes of the Storm was MADE so that you can go against what was traditional for similar games

Core rush is a very valid strategy and if your team cannot counter that then they DESERVE TO LOSE

Only a fool would believe that this game is meant to be played only one way

After all:


All of these “core aspects” that you are so proud of

These are USELESS even if you do them well if you cannot actually break the CORE of your enemy BEFORE they break your own

Think about what the end-goal for all the strategies are:

It is about destroying the Core and nothing else!

But countering that is not easy, unless you smell it coming in the draft.
Unless you are well coordinated n in team play.

For the very reason why several heroes were de-buffed, and several things changed, that is a reason why i think this should also be altered in a way :slightly_smiling_face:

but honestly, im thinking to start doing it myself, before it gets a nerf :smiley:

That’s the spirit!

THIS is how you escape Bronze!

Now you have figured it out!

Find four other players who will listen to you and work with you on this

And I am sure you will be able to get a lot of wins in Ranked using this strategy if you do it right without giving up

but still, its broken and should be fixed.

But as others r doing it, why not me :smiley:

Until it is

You know what to do if you want to get wins

Now go and do it and do it well without giving up

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