Meet Alice, Eleonora and Inetkaes!

Three hero concepts that I posted on HeroesHearth in the past, though I reworked some of them later on (hell, Inetkaes I reworked today because I was never quite happy with her Q) but I feel confident about posting them now, as I still feel quite happy with how Alice and Eleonora have turned out. Inetkaes changed a lot, but she is where I want her to be for now. I don’t have the possibilities to test the heroes I have designed, and as such there is only so much you can do in the end.

But in the end I had three main goals with designing each of these heroes, posted in no particular order.

  • Making them fun to play
  • Making them fun to play against
  • Making them balanced

Inetkaes is an supporting Assassin, or probably a weak sololaner that can still support the 4-man as she does have a global presence with her Q and one of her heroics. She isn’t particularly well-versed to teamfight, but even if she’s clearing a wave she can still help her team out as they are fighting on the objective, and in many ways she is made for macro plays and running rings around the opponent more than anything else.

heroeshearth . com/concepts/heroes/Aasgier/inetkaes/

I currently classified as an Assassin, but with the role rework she would probably end up in the same category as Tassadar and Medivh, and much like with Abathur your team is usually one body down in teamfights.

Talking about a little weird supports, Eleonora was my attempt of making a really crazy hero, one that truly stands out, and I feel that I have succeeded with it. Originally I wanted to emulate Murky in both being annoying and really unique, but in the end she became more of an Abathur, with a body and a seperate teamfight presence (one that functions vastly different from Abathur’s Clone), and both bodies can soak seperately with their own unique abilities.

heroeshearth . com/concepts/heros/Aasgier/eleonora/

Lastly, I wanted to design a main tank. Blizzard has notoriously struggled with this on Blaze and Yrel, and personally I don’t really like bringing out the flak gun and shout at the developers for making a mistake. Instead, I’d like to try my own hand at designing a tank, just to see if I can design a main tank myself. Even if I am no stranger to designing units for a game, I definately had to ask for both advice prior to making this as well as feedback after posting the first version, especially since I only play the game at scrub level myself :stuck_out_tongue: . This was the result.

heroeshearth . com/concepts/heros/Aasgier/tank/

What do you guys (and girls) think? I hoped to have designed three balanced heroes that all bring something new to the table that we do not have in Heroes of the Storm yet.

Also, I still can’t post links, so I put spacebars in between heroeshearth, the dot, and com, so take care to remove those to view the concepts. If a moderator would be willing to fix that… ?