Ok its about Time the devs sorted Deathwing out

Ok so I’ve been trying not to see DW as OP as his HP can be got through pretty fast with good comps and his DPS can be hit or mis but Meteor is utter BS on maps like cursed hollow, getting fed up of games where they can soak all lanes or push a lane and then DW just have to go into flight and sit there dropping meteors on anyone trying to cap the obj.

The CD on this needs increasing as its an utter joke how long the hero can stall for using the meteor, but as always the devs don’t even think of things like this.


u know, u can capture obj. with 2 ppl by channeling at max range from 2 sides.

or u just go 4v4 and send one guy to stop dw from capturing. this is preferable if the enemy team has a lot push power and u have to stop them.

or u just let them push and instead push their keep. this is preferable if ur own team has better push power.

u dont win the game by getting obj. aside from t.o.d.
u win the game by destroying the enemy core.
obj. r there to hlp with that goal and on some maps they r weaker on some maps they r stronger (curse, garden but on both maps u need 3)
u see the tyrael+morales+summoner+2x comp is totally based on focusing down structures to get to the core and destroy it as fast as possible.

I’m not saying there arnt ways to do other things I’m saying 1 Hero should not be allowed to have this much stall on an obj just a slight increase in the CD and your move it from a joke to well I can stall for a bit but I cant sit here for ever and make it a pointless endevour

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his stall ability is ridiculous
interrupting the obj from absolute safety for more than 30sec is garbage

maybe they should remove vision from the objectives
so at least he cant stall forever while all his mates are pushing the opposite lane
but I dont know how it will change the game

Its especially funny if you consider that his weakness is that he cannot be supported. Pick him in QM and both teams dont have a support its just a joke how ridiculous of an advantage he has. Obviously…QM is not the standard, but this is a moba for filthy casuals like me. That outgrew league of legends/dota. So a bit of understanding and hero balance would be appriciated. Or just straight up remove him from QM imo. lol

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oh jeah?
what exactly is that so called advantage?
i think u r forgetting that his flight counts towards his selfheal but for any other hero recalling to base doesnt.