Onether topic about game skill and MMR

Fair enough. Tough to say any conclusion about this since we have only opinions from three individuals

Eh…come.oon guys…why not believe in high gamer xp-ed like me?!:

If was possible we test such system based of KDA ratio ,but to be reworked or be saparated 3 stats…or player will be a way better selected or match you ,how i did explain.

I really cant understand you…you feel so fcking tired from bad,feeders ,low game skilled player, and you what doing?!
You are agains me.

I m 100% sure would be alot better or perfectly will be sapeared players game skill.

Why you such “die -hard” young peoples?! :grinning:

My 20 years gamer xp means a lot, i know what is better and what is my mistakes,how i astimation things.

Everyone know very well is half true with less deaths mean 90 % won games…

Can you read again my old suggestion ideas?!..:grinning:

I can. Remind one from them…

" To be add reserve only 1 time ressurect if 3 if team not die after 18 lvl ( to end of game)."

That mean lose teams can have high a chance for counter back.(dont explain to me all others aspects or factors about that,because i know veru well that)…

I understand you try to improve the game but your idea is simply bad. Why? Your thought process is fundamendally wrong

You can not estimate player’s impact on winning the game based purely on deaths (or numbers). If the system is based on kda people would play less good since they just want to stay alive.

Think yourself this: there is a tank player after this new change. Only thing he is worried about if not dying. He is taking zero risks. Soon as he start getting low he runs back to base just to make sure his kda ratio wont go bad.

Your system forces games to be ruined cause of high safety. It is very bad idea and with your gaming experience you should understand basic things like this. How you havent learned anything in those 20 years is weird to me


Im half agree with you…
Yes,some players then can play so safe,but is not so easy to survive.
High % of player base die easy.
History of these 4 y. proof that.
Such system not force to play so safe,because high % of player base not think about in every game,because you can be and distracting from something different in RL or from players which can start feel you pissed off or disapponed.
from his game skill.
First none is tested such vers. and is too early time to judge is it so bad or not.
Yes,agree with some heroes lile Abathur or Lili or other rest healer will have low death ratio,but they will not play all the time with them in every game ,and will be banned low %.
Plus that high % from player base prefer to play with assasin heroes,there proof data from HoTS team devs. and hotslog!
Do you know mean that?! :slight_smile:

Can you cross check one GM game skilled player and Bronze or Silver player his death,assist,kill ratio?!
Yes,im agree some of them had low % death ratio,but you will notice this fact,high % from GM players had low % death ratio and high % assist.
I will repeat again this…“must be saparated 3 stats”.
As you know very well assist stats means ,team play.
Is true is not true then they be like cheat AFK or do not assaist in team fights.
Because like i did said then his assist (team play ) ratio will be with bad stat ,AND WILL BE MATCHED ONLY WITH SUCH SAME PLAYERS!! AND YOU NOT WILL BE MATCHED WITH THEM!!
Dont rush to think only about death ratio!!

Do you can understand that?!:grinning:
Of course you cant.
And if you DONT enswer me of this question,or ignore it,then for me everything is clear,how you astimation things in gamer like and real life!

Dude send me request for frriend in game battle tag “#2608”.
I want to inspect your game skill or play at tleast 10 games with you.

I can understand only less than half what you wrote. It is very hard to understand you when you cant communicate

What I understood is you still think numbers based system is better for ranked pts/mmr? I alrdy explained to you why this is a bad idea.

The only way to evaluate player’s performance is from watching how he plays live/replay. You can not find stats that reliably tells what kind of impact player had on game.

I can add you and look some of your replay which you think you played good and discuss your gameplay. To be honest I have no interest to play with bronze 5 player so we can skip that part but happy to help you improving your own gameplay.