Please buff the Genji!

I think Genji is one of the most fun heroes to play, despite so many nerfs. He is truly almost turning to Nova, practically unplayable, with an extremely low win rate in ranked matches, has very little impact on the game. Well, here are my suggestions for balancing it:

range of skill E (swift strike): from 12 to 13

Damage from E (swift strike) from 190 to 195

Basic attack range increased from 4.5 to 5.0.

I hope you hear my prayers!


haven’t played genji in a while though I will say that he wasn’t that bad after his latest nerf. I’ll just say it’s very dangerous to buff something like attack range


Genji is a hero that gets too buffed does a lot of damage, on the other hand, when nerfed the way it was, he becomes crippled, with little or no impact on the match. My proposal is the compromise between the buff and the nerf. Increase the range of E and AA a little, but not to what it was before, as well as the damage of E.

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Problem with genji is, you cant simply change his dmg numbers. His kit is simply pretty redicilous. So he is really easily OP with it. Or if you nerf his dmg to much really underpowered.

Maybe he needs a slight rework where they take some of utility away and boost him a bit in dmg? Though I still see genji’s blowing up the averga mage / squashy assassin without a chance for them to fight back. So doubt he is useles. Just dont think he adds a lot to the average game either.

Genji is a hero design that can never be healthy. I am glad its fun for you to play Genji, but it is not fun to play against him, ever.

Genji just shouldn’t exist, but since its too late to un-release him then just keep him as it is. Certainly no buffs should ever be given to such an unhealthy hero design.

I have still seen successful Genji players, when played right he is still viable.


Genji is an extremely mobile hero. Mobility in a moba is one of the most powerful stats to have. Pick all your fights your opponent loses this ability. This mobility comes at a cost. You lose the ability to fight any less mobile hero on = footing.

Basically no he can’t be buffed and his mobility needs to come at an extreme cost.

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I doubt he needs a buff