Please change tower behaviour

Hey guys,
I would like to propose a change to tower behaviour to be more like LoL. Being tower dived in this game is just frustrating, and especially with the new xp changes and how important it is to defend your first forts. Just change them so that if a hero attacks you under fort, the fort/ tower will focus them first. And some sort of follow up to that - when pushing as 5 with no minions, can the towers please prioritise focusing tanks or bruisers? It just seems so random at the moment who the tower focuses when there’s no minions.

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I believe towers focus the closest hero to them.
It could also be the case that when four melee heroes are crowded around a fort, the fort focuses the one with the smallest hit box.
I also think the core focuses the lowest health hero. Bear in mind the core will deal splash damage.
Towers will always focus a non-hero first, so heroes like Rehgar can use Totems to pull tower aggro and reset the focus.
Time your dives with the minion waves.
– Requires further hypothesis confirmation however.