QM Composition Rules are terrible

I think I have to post here to vent off my frustration.

I really love HotS as a competitive game, but right now there are only two viable game modes (in terms of matchmaking time): QM and Ranked.

Now I don’t always want to play Ranked (e.g. when being tired or if I am in the mood for a particular hero), so I go QM.
The problem is, at least half of my games are absolute s***-shows in terms of the composition the matchmaker came up with.

Yeah, I know: it would be too much to ask for always having at least one tank and one healer in each team. But why do we have to deal with completely asymmetrical match-ups? (e.g. one team having three frontline heroes and the other’s got none)
Why does the matchmaker not account for hard-counters AT ALL?
I cannot imagine that it would be so hard to design and implement a better algorithm for this. And I reckon everyone would be fine with +10 seconds (or whatever) longer matchmaking times if it makes more matches interesting and fair.

The current state isn’t fun for anyone, I imagine. The matches are heavily lop-sided and often decided purely by comp. If “Unranked Draft” was a viable option, I’d not be frustrated and just play that mode instead.
I can only urge the HotS-team to revamp the matchmaker for QM as it being the only non-ranked option right now.


I only play QM and I will say that the matchmaking is absolute dog sh*t. The only way I see to fix this is to make completely random matchups or even better, to make equal (same roles in every team) matchups. It was like this for a while actually but ever since blizzard changed roles (when they removed the specialist role for example) the roles made little to no sense. “O look their bruiser imperius, I wonder what we have… Malthael. Wow that, seems great.” Or even better: both teams have no healer but their team has abathur and your “support” is vikings.

Tbh I still don’t know why they changed the roles

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True, changing the roles has done something to all of this, but there are surely other factors as well (e.g. smaller playerbase compared to back then).

What truly concerns me is that this terrible matchmaking for QM will make more people quit the game over time, which makes the MM even worse (and ofc diminishes the chances of getting any more updates for HotS).

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I also just realized that they put in a lot of effort in their anomalies which I can say are mostly pointless additions that may ruin the experience for some players (we all remember how the weather anomaly was received). I think they could focus more on fixing the matchmaking, which is what people actually want, and not add more of these anomalies

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Although I generally agree, shifting priorities like that is not always as easy in game dev.

For instance, I can imagine that a lion’s share of the anomalies was done by a game designer and not a programmer, as they should already have a proprietary toolkit to customize and add abilities.

Changing the matchmaking on the other hand will require a capable backend-engineer. And these matters get complex, additionally requiring the coding of specific tests etc.


Because that’d be an absolute nightmare to program, test and implement

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No it wouldn’t.
The matchmaking is terrible in QM. I would rather a system where you can do a quick draft at the start of the match. At least this way you can try to work as a team.


Maybe implement for people to be able to choose their game to include a support / tank / bruiser whatever role and wait their longer times? Like role filtering with preferences. Should be much quicker and better.

Ex > You pick a Ranged Assassin and queue for a lobby where Support and Tank are in your Team and would wait your sweet time.

because sometimes full assassin games can be very unequal too. If the game is meant to be fun, make it such.

Enemy Team.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,My Team


How on earth did I end up in a team with Abathur, Murky AND gazlowe? I get it’s Quickmatch, but really? xD

QM mm has been garbage for agess. This is what you get when you have developers that dosen’t play their own games. It seems like they made 1 horrible mm system and used it for hots, HS and SC2

Basically always been garbage past beta when rules were put in place.
QM isnt about the skill of individual players its just a dice roll on playable and sh…t comp. I actively match dodge when i see the team before the match starts because you have to vigilant about it especially when you pick specific kind of characters like bruisers and healers you often get absolutelly unplayable junk and you are better off not playing that match.
So i queue again.
Best one i saw today was when i was getting a drink and a match started where my team was a 4man and they figured it was a solid pick with murky, vikings zarya and artanis.