QM MM: plat 1 and bronze 5 in the same team

Hi dear community,

there was a solo “Bronze 5” in our team after i got 8 wins…
I am plat-1, was solo playing too…

I wonder what pathetic designers were think while designing such terrible matchmaker, but i am sure the thing we have experienced was not intended…

neither me, nor our team mates or that bronze dude enjoyed the game.
It was all about feeding and toxicty, a loss of 20 mins of our lives…

Blizz lack vision in mobas, they still believe they are developing an mmorpg where high lvl players can carry noobs…
Mobas do not work that way…
One noob ruins entire experience for rest of the players in a high lvl game,.
Dear Blizz, go hire some experienced moba developer with proper Moba vision…



Its downright funny that different game modes have different MMRs. i face off against people who have master in hero league a lot. Like fuc… regularly or at worst diamond but i can also group with people who are silver and low gold in league.
Every single game mode needs to have the exact same MMR that way you dont just pop into QM for easy games youll only meet people of the exact same MMR you have in rank and unrank

What you are expecting?
A lot of Diamonds/Masters left the game after 2018 December.
The player base is 30-40% less than in HGC times.
Another thing is that a lot of diamond players have real skill level not so much different then bronze.

Small player base = no players to play wuth and “clownfiesta” or “snowflakes” in most of the games.

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