Ranked matchmaking

just let the Little kid belive this is 100% skill and nothing else :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Any chance you could speak english? So you got 20 years of gaming exp yet you still havent been able to learn hots? Why do you think that is? What would you call someone who uses 20 years of something and still cant learn? This is sad

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no,i cant.Im lazy and refuse that is.

You play 20 years and you are lazy. Sounds like a great combo haha. Good luck in life

i just got matched againts 4 smurfs [ twice for now ] which 2 of them have 90% winrate , others 75% winrate… in silver, talk some more about skill issue :smiley:

P.S and my tank is some boosted russian with 37% winrate… yes definetly get better 100% skill . dont talk to trolls