Ranked placements are not fair

So I just played my 10 placement matches together with a friend. He was platinum 2 when we started, then we won 9 and lost 1 so he was diamond 5 when we ended. The lowest rank we played against was platinum 4 and the highest was diamond 3. most players were platinum 1.

I got placed in gold 2…

How is this possible?

Because you don’t have his overal game history? Welcome to the land of HoTs. Your MMR and placement is heavily based on your game history. You can dominate all you want, but you will be placed well below your freind for a very very long time.

I’ve always thought MMR should have very little weighting based on game history - let your performance dictate your position.

They don’t do that becase 1) high ranked players who drop would cry endlessly, and 2) the matchmaking is so bad that they need some way to mask the wild variations you’d see if your performance were dependent on real games that are horrilbly matched.

HoTs just isn’t built to be a competitive game. Things like the broken report system, the matchmaking, MMR, the dependence on team . . . it’s just not designed to create a super competitive environment where the best dominate.

It’s just HoTs, enjoy your games is the best way to approach it.

I believe placements are fair, for atleast me. I have always get what I have won/lose. Mmr has been very bad in this SL leaque and I think there were lot of misscalculation.