Rework Nazeebo into being viable before 20

I love playing Nazeboo, but I think there are some issues with the hero. Or rather, one big issue: Vile Infection.

The hero is basically dependant on this one insane power spike to be effective, which relies entirely on two things:

  • The game lasting to 20
  • Forcing you away from teamfights/objective for large parts of the game to farm minions

It reminds me a lot of the old Azmodan. Azmo used to be very locked into farming minions with his globes, which took a lot of time away from teamfights. After his rework there are now multiple ways for him to stack and the hero is much much more dynamic. He can still split push and waveclear well, but he is now also viable in a teamfight before 20min into the game.

So is there a way to learn from Azmodan to make Nazeebo better?


Add a separate baseline quest for Voodoo Poison that is based on fighting heroes. Make killing heroes have some reward for the Voodoo Ritual quest.
Remake. Make the increase in poison damage scale linearly and from baseline. Vile Infection to be a percentage based increase in damage.

(Rework) Voodoo Ritual
-Health per stack reduced from 6 to 5
+Poison is now also baseline applied to heroes for half the duration.
+Enemy heroes that die under the effect of Voodoo Poison grant 5 stacks of Voodoo Ritual
+! Quest: Poison enemy heroes for 100 seconds.
Reward: Voodoo Ritual poison now lasts full duration on heroes and its damage per second is increased by 1 for every 3 stacks of Voodoo Ritual.

(Rework) Vile Infection: Each second a target is affected by Voodoo Poison increases the damage they take from it by 5%, to a maximum of 100%. Resets when the debuff runs out.


Add ways to gain Voodoo Ritual stacks from fighting heroes, based on talents chosen.

Additional functionalities

+Hitting at least one hero with the impact of the spider jar grants 3 stacks of Voodoo Ritual

+Each toad that impacts with an enemy hero grants 1 stack of Voodoo Ritual

Thing of the Deep -
+Trapping an enemy hero with Zombie Wall grants 5 stacks Voodoo Ritual


Stuff that’s not really needed but that would be cool/thematic IMO


Guardian Toads: Removed

(New) Fierce Loyalty: Gain 5 armor as long as you have a summoned unit currently on the map.
Stacks for every type of unit. (Spiders, Toads, Zombies, Garg, Spirit)

Ice Block: Removed

(New) Spirit Walk: Become invulnerable and untargetable for 1 seconds. Can still move but not attack or cast spells. 60 seconds cooldown.


Soul Harvest (Rework) -
-Spell power/hp per stack reduced from 7% to 5%
(Additional Functionalities:)
+Removes any damage over time abilities from targets hit and instantly deals 150% of the total remaining damage.
+Each minion killed by Soul Harvest extends the duration by 3 second.
+Harvesting an enemy hero refreshes your current stacks and extends the duration by 3 seconds.


Fury of the Storm: Removed

(New) Midnight Feast -
Targets hit with the impact of the spider jar are covered in web, slowing their movement speed by 70% for 1.5 seconds
The hop distance of toads is increased by 10% for each hop.
Zombies are unstoppable and gain 30 spell armor.