So before we get anymore heroes

Can we get some more maps already. I think we are way over do for new ones.


The last new map we saw was alterac and it was very long ago so yeah it would be nice to see a new map. But I also think that seeing mines again would also be nice.

The problem is that HOTS doesn’t have a big team anymore and making a new map takes a lot of time. Another problem is that maps don’t bring money like new heroes do.

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Yeah various maps is one of signature thing of this game but we have already 15 maps. Is it little for most players ? :slight_smile: I doubt it especially if we consider that devs still can’t make all these maps are fully playable (by they opinion). Long-sufferings Haunted Mines and Hanamura as example. Plus aspects which were listed man above

i dont think we need anymore maps

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A new map or hero would be nice

The problem with new maps is how to make them without resembling others too much. I doubt there is room for more than 1 or 2, especially if Haunted mines will finally get their rework. Though having something Protoss-based for complete Starcraft set or maybe Warsong Gulch with carrying the flag Hanamura-style but personally might be great.

I think we are fine with the maps we have

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I don’t get the issue with haunted mines. I never had an issue with it. I have an issue with Garden of Terror after it’s rework. Getting objective on that map seems quite “powerful”. Plus now it seems to be more like Alterac Pass. I guess before it was more like Dragon shire