So i think Moira would be absolutely excellent in HOTS

Moira from Overwatch would make for a very fun damage/support hero in HOTS, all of her abilities are perfect for a moba, the only thing i struggle to imagine is her basic attack, and by all means if they wanna change it to a purple orb im all for it.

Her orb (E) i already think they can make it so that if you press it she holds the purple orb ( damage ) in her hand and click it again to get the yellow orb ( heals ) then fire it straight forward and it can bounce off of terrain. ( can make a quest/talent that increases damage/healing or projectile speed of the orb or even duration, or that the orb gains a homing capability where it follows heroes )

Her Q can be her fade, where she basically disapears and reappears a medium distance ( they can add a quest/talent that allows fade to cleanse CC or certain effects, maybe decrease cooldown or increase distance, maybe a shorter cooldown but shorter range type of talent )

Her W can be debated upon, i think they can make it a toggle or maybe just an ability with 2-3 charges of her healing spray that heals overtime, toggle basic attack to instead heal ( don’t see that working to great to be honest ) and charges with short-medium cooldowns of a medium range, arched aoe overtime heal.
( they can make a quest that increases the range and width of the heal )

And her ulti Coalescence, a medium to large beam that she fires a long distance ( as a channeling ability that can be interrupted ) i think she should be mobile during this ulti, but in such a way that she can only move sideways, so where ever you target the beam that is the main direction its going to go. ( possible talent can be to increase duration of the ulti, or increase the damage and healing of the ult, or increase the range of the ulti, or upon casting ulti you are unstoppable for the entire ults duration )

Second ulti can also be debated upon, allows some creative space actually, since she is already a very strong teamfighting healer/damage dealer ( aoe healing/damage depending on the way you play ) i think a single target massive damage/healing ability could be great for the people that want to either be more of a damage threat or be able to more consistently have clutch heals.

As for talents i think there are endless possiblities, i think her basic attack would work nicely like ana’s overtime/stacking damage, moira’s damage should just be more than ana’s overtime damage and i think healing a percentage of basic attack damage dealt would work great aswell.

I think sacrifice talents would also work great for example, more healing less damage, more damage less healing, more fading away but shorter range or longer range longer cooldown, maybe her W sprays turn into damaging sprays or gain a small amount of damage without sacrificing the healing. I know for some reason people are sick of Overwatch heroes in HOTS, i honestly think some overwatch heroes would fit much better than the ones currently in game, i already think their adding reaper and brigitte to the game, reaper would be excellent but brig would just be awful depending on what they do with her, im not a brig hater AT ALL, i just think her entire kit is incredibly boring for a moba, i mean she can have a shield, a knockback, a stun and a few instant heals with a ulti that gives armor, thats boring…

would like to hear anyones thoughts :blush:


I would rather see Zenyatta first

He has an actual connection to Genji after all

A Hero who is already here in Heroes of the Storm

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