So long and no thanks for the rotten fish

That’s it. I’ve had enough. I never do the drama bs usually but this time, it’s just too much to bear. I’ve been playing HotS for 5 years now, a game I’ve deeply loved and enjoyed. Then 2018 happened, HGC got canceled and everything spiraled down to oblivion. A week ago, we learned active dev was canceled too. I’m diamond 2-ish btw, last season was pretty enjoyable despite all the “is there anyone piloting this cuz we are headed nowhere” and whatnot. And since yesterday, a new season has begun with me playing at least 12 different games on different roles, being paired up with absolute monkeys against players my level. What a brilliant way to go down with the ship, crew. Blizzard, if your point was to sink the game once and for all, you did great. Probably the first time you’ve done great in something since Overwatch. Heck, you couldn’t even get W3 Reforged right. What a joke of a company you’ve become. You’re losing customers by the millions, maybe when it’s too late you’ll understand something was done wrong. By you.

Anyway rant over, I’m out, see ya never Blizzard.


This is what you get, when you hire people that doesn’t play the game they are working. Completely clueless people. I just had a joke of an aram match. My 3 picks was, Chen, murky and qhira. The oppoents had, Nazeebo, 2 li-mings, muradin and rehgar. I had no chance in that match