Stitches attacks too slowly

That’s not to say that he should have a higher attack speed, as in the in-game stat. His damage point is too high; that is, the delay between when you issue an attack command and the attack coming out and dealing damage is too high.
Playing Stitches, I semi-frequently find myself canceling auto-attacks with move commands while attempting to stutter step.
I rarely have this problem on other heroes.
I can’t confirm that there actually IS a difference, but it feels like there is and it makes Stitches a worse tank than he needs to be.

Since when stitches is about AA’s and not Q+W/R?

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His trait is tied directly to his AA, and 2/3 level 7 talents are tied to AAs as well.
Plus, it’s just a feeling kind of a thing.
I found an old spreadsheet online and taking that with a big grain of salt, Stitches has one of the highest damage points in the game at .25 seconds. The only other melee heroes with a damage point that high are Abathur , Anub’arak, and Garrosh (if the old data are to be believed). And frankly, the other two tanks could be bumped up just to make their gameplay feel a little better. They just feel a little clunky next to the other tanks.

I don’t think stitches needs a buff. But maybe his winrate in the higher level of ranked might show something else. That i don’t know

I dont like his autoattack either it feels like the windup before he land hits is so long that after playing other characters i endup attack canceling a lot aswell. unintentionally