Stuck in Silver

I have been dealing with the Silver rank Which is just terrible. Every time I win a game and then due to some terrible troll or brain dead person I lose the next game. It just makes the game an unappealing waste of time.
Just last game. I picked an anduin as first pick in ranked but then some other player (Who I will not name) decided as a last pick at the last second that he or she should lock Ana.
Thus we had 2 healers in the ranked game. I can assure you. DPS Anduin does not work.
Now how do I ever get out of Silver. It feels like I will be stuck here forever…
I don’t want to be stuck here and continue to play this game if my ranked games get torn apart like this…
I am unhappy with the ranked system

Hey! It sucks to be matched with trolls and such but luckily at the end of the day it is skill which matters. If you want to improve yourself I can help you. That is the best way to get out of low ranks. Can you give me your battletag so I can add you?

the question is, can you climb low ranks by picking heal

If silver is awfull then I guess you should not have any problem with moving up.
This same level of players you get enemy team have as well.

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For sure you can! I am sure there are plenty of good choices but personally I think with malf, uther and li li are great carrys for low rankd

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Uther and Lili yes… they are easy and have big impact, but Malf is too risky.
His play depending on team and if others don’t understand how to work with him or - what is even worst - player is taking Malf against dive composition or burst - it will be instant “gg”.
Most of the games in “low ranks” are easy to win if you know the basics of draft.
60-70% of games is lost only because people don’t think in draft faze - they are picking heroes randomly, don’t even try to think if 1 frontliner is ok vs dive composition of enemy team etc.
This is the way of “instant loosing” games.

For example:

I know I play good Yrel and very like to play her, and she is good 1st pick.
But if I would plan to play in “low rank” I know there is no chance to play Yrel there because my team most probably will see Yrel and then noone will draft tank so we will end up without tank in team.
A lot of heroes are unplayable in low rank because of that thing - people don’t know how 70% of heroes work and what are natural counters

Personally I dont see any risk with malf. Guess it is also dependant how you play it

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I would advise you to focus on tanking, bad tank ruins everything. Johanna is the hero I had most success with going from silver to plat. Watch Notparadox videos on Johanna on youtube. Also, disable chat and ignore noobness.

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I honestly think you can if you’re a god of cleanse or an excellent Rehgar. Otherwise, no.

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Made it to gold from bronze with 88% win rate picking healers. Healer is not the best role to climb in low elo, but it’s still viable. I think tank is best to carry @ low elo. Good initiations and peels can make anything happen


It is hard to climb with healer. I got out of silver using Thrall, Jaina and Kael - if u can burst enemy team or just effectively solo on 2 lane maps it’s a lot easier. Try some heroes that can deal with solo laning and are good in teamfights.

Double soak heroes are always useful. Tank like Johana can do that though! IF you play say Kael, and you’re matched with a player that plays tank but doesn’t peel for you or cover you or help you in any way but just chases enemy healer and after your team wipes writes “Stop focusing the tank n00bs!” or something like that, you wont win that game.
After you died few times, and he doesn’t understand its actually his fault for letting you die, he will read your damage and say “omg Kael did only 20k damage and died 10 times, everybody pls report”. Then you’ll be tilted, probably lose next 3 games and drop to bronze + get banned for expressing your feelings in chat.