Suspended for having lobby opened

I have weird issue that happened to be three times. I left Heroes of The Storm opened at ranking game lobby just for few minutes. I wasn’t in queue, I’m sure about it. When I came back, i just got restriction for 4 games for completly nothing. I wouldn’t bother if I didn’t loose ranking points after those games with restrictions. When it happened first time I through it can be my faulth, maybe I just signed for game and forgot about it. But after it happened second and third time I’m sure I have nothing to do with it. I reported it so my ban can be taken, but a lot of time has passed and I still didn’t get answer

Hello Hegvul,

I can see that you have a ticket open to appeal your penalty. That is the right way to go and the colleagues will get back to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?