Talents overlay-screen on match loading screen

Dear Blizzard-dudes
Loading a match takes at least a minute and all this time you able only to twidle your thumbs. You may reduce boredom by adding the overlay with talents/abilities like you do in choose hero screen. Will be better if you can choose any hero and get his info.
It will help not only newcomers who don’t know heroes they’re preparing to fight against but veterans who for example have been absent for several patches and want to check if talents from their builds were changed.
You already have code written for this feature and it won’t affect loading speed.

to add to this feature, if, same like in draft we can pre-pick hero and then LOCK it,

we shud b able to chose the talents in each tire (pre-locking them)…

SO, before the telent tier is reached, if we do not change our selected talent, it locks INSTANTLY as the team advances to tht level,

tht would b awesome,

cz several times im in the middle of fight, n i reach levl 10, n i do not hav time to select the talent until the fight is over, n if i had tht talent insta-locked, i would get a much better outcom,

also, it will allow us to see wht our teammates have pre-selected in the talent tiers for their own hero, n help us adjust n make gud synergy with our hero talents, or, we can just giv a suggestion to our teammate of NOT choosing tht talent , but going with other one, etc,

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