The brawl is pretty stale lately

I know this is not a technical problem but i think it is a problem on its own that should be adressed

I’ve been a player of hots for quite some time and i remember when the brawl made its first appearance in the game. It was a pretty nice change and an amazing addition to the game. Each week we had a new type of brawl such as punisher arena and a lot more!

Right now brawl is the same every single week and only the map changes. It’s still amusing to play but i think it would be so much better if we could have different themes each week. It doesnt have to be anything new,even with all the past brawls it would be more than enough.

I personally think that having a new brawl each week is going to be both good for the already existing players,giving the game a new breath of fresh air, as well as with new players who want to try this amazing game for the first time

I hope my ideas will be taken into consideration
Thanks :slight_smile:

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Well they completely removed the actual fun brawls because League of Legends players wanted their own personal “All-Random-All-Mid” experience

These players have basically hijacked the game

The ridiculous thing is that a lot of them have probably quit playing Heroes of the Storm now too

They have done their damage and have now abandoned this game

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I found alot of the old brawls boring. I like the new onces. I can’t remember all the old onces though

I find all ARAM maps boring and wish they would add the old ones back

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I am with Reckeris here

League of Legends players have done so much damage to our beloved game

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I would love to see some development in keeping this game fresh. I’ve invested years into HOTS and want to feel at least something is being done. I love the idea of making new and interesting brawls - even mini games? Isn’t that how HOTS got its start in the first place right? Pushing the games format?

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