The matchmaker ruins this game

it seems like 2 out of every 3 game is a well co ordinated high level 5 stack just stomping over a bunch of noob solo ques , does the MM make no effort to place teams vs teams or take any effort to make a decent game of things?

came back to give it a another go a couple of days ago and im already about done with this the signal to noise ratio is terrible and it seems like a simple easy fix so what gives?


Then add in the perma cc. It just shows how imcompetent the developers are, and how clueless. That they think that is a good game feature

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The MM does not make the teams compete against each other and that is a big problem especially at high level, all this so that they do not wait more than 2 minutes, thank you Blizzard for these disgusting adjustments. Part of the things that killed your game. Unlucky…

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They did make a “fair” mm for a while. They problem was just the wait time. I think they waited way to long to do it. To many people left had left the game, by the time they got their heads out of their butts, and fixed it.

Yeah couldn`t agree more.

wow ppl are still playing this game? the matchmaking is so bad its just unplayable

matchmaking make matches 80%wr with 15%. what you expect of develepers whos brain is smaller than birds…