The worst computer game i have played

the match making in this game is terrible, me and a friend went in to ranked, we played 22 games and won only 5 of them, in every single game we had someone pick bad characters go afk not help with objectives and taking camps instead of doing objective or just plain sitting afk in the lane killing minions. The matchmaking is so bad in this game i got silver 2 and just kept going down in ranks till i hit silver 5 and then just gave up playing. We both cba to play this game anymore the matchmaking is all over the place on any game mode you play. WORSE THAN NO MANS SKY WHEN IT CAME OUT

It is indeed worse mmr than in any other games filled of smurfs who doesnt belong inntheir ranks laughing while noobs get boosted all over the places.

Just if they could add more unranked games for new players before ranked, increase level requirements and give proper tutorials, we should have much better environment. Nowadays every other game smurf other one noobs, its pure dice throw. Only smurfs enjoy the mess.

Every other game has some smurf protection why we dont have in HOTS?