This game has the single worst matchmaking ever and that's a fact

No, I’m not mad because I’m losing games. I’m mad because there is no way to have decent match whatsoever. I can go afk at the start of every match and it literally won’t affect the result. Enemy team is either so much worse that we win no matter what I do. Heck, I could be sabotaging our team in this scenario and we would still win. Or it goes the other way around.

Yes, matchmaking is supposed to keep winrate of players at ±50%. But you don’t seem to understand how the fu_ck shall this goal be achieved. Hint: No, “one match is totally impossible to win and another one is equally impossible to lose” is NOT the right way of doing it.

I’ve been playing since beta at rank 1, moving to high diamond eventually. This issue was here since very beginning. Then I quit for a few years because of that. Now I decided to give it one more try and I immediately realised why did I quit. Matchmaking still fu_cking sucks horse asses creating matches that are the opposite of fun every time.

Don’t do multiplayer games, guys, if you have no clue about it. Being unable to fix goddamn matchmaking for so many years in a row makes me question not only technical capabilities of yours but also your mental health.

Only those who are hardstuck think there is something wrong with matchmaking