This Needs To STOP

So over the last couple days ive been disconected from the lobby in ranked multiple times.
Why ?
Because Blizzard is unable to make the “cancel queue” button actually cancel the queue !
So depending on internet speed there is anywhere between 1 and up to 15 sec (with really bad internet) of delay before actually caneling.

Meaning when i decided that i do not have the time for another game, after already sitting in q for up to 10 min, and then clicking cancel and leaving the pc it matched me multiple times without me even knowing.
Obviously i was afk in lobby and it kicked me.
Now you might think ok, then dont leave immediatly. Yesterday my cat pushed a vase from my desk. i pressed cancel cleaned it and ofc came back to me on leaver status yet f again.
You not only use a system that deducts over 2 wins worth of points,which personally i dont even mind ,but you also make ppl unable to play the only bearable gamemode untill they WIN in gamemodes where best case you are matched with half decent lvl bots and worst case with a group of ppl in their break from their wow raid who leave after 5 min cause the break is over.( And yes i had that happen). And this all wouldnt even be that big of a issue, but add on a NOT FUNCTIONING CANCEL BUTTON and you are literally robbing ppl of hours of progress and hours of grinding through the most boring of games until they somehow manage to win 3 .
At this point i just make a new account and play that whenever this bs happens.
And then ppl complain because too many smurfs ruining everything.

Get your sh*t together and fix this !!!

I know HS has a similar problem and since it’s been going on for years, I don’t think they’ll even going to try to fix it

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this is seriose issue when you press cancel" and program which gave you leavers penalty work again?! hm…i never see this issue to now.Im sure they will fix it,but now like you espect to be fast,maybe is rare happens.Not often.