Today I feel conflicted

Indeed that we need…when we are thirsty and buy second most.seller.dring in our world…
Is nice…and is re suggested again this old dring or like my old ideas…

Drinking pepsi is herecy, begone sinner!

Also Diet coke is more popular than pepsi and the second most sold.

Coca cola has the #1 and #2 place.

I dont drink any sodas anymore though, they just make people feel bloated and tired all day because of the sugarbomb.

Also, statistics are still a faulty meter to determine players skill. It is known.

Your stats will be as dependant on your team as the probablility of winning a game is.

" stats " significance…is from matter is not dmged and had alot matter i our world…here is your big mistake…:laughing:

Im sorry but no amount of trying will translate what you just tried to say.

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im talking in general… some casual players are good.

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Okay 1st off the lay offs are on the MARKETING departments not devs.
Problem is… we know why it’s happeninig… but atleast the devs are fine.

2nd MMR… ooh boy… I see alot of stuff but let’s discuss it in an angle not covered.
The “Selfish” factor and why it is and isn’t a problem.

Alot of people play Selfish with this I mean all factors of it.
Selfish as in… just for them selves and the team has to suck it up whatever I draft.
And selfish as in… increasing your own preformance chances and not your team’s chances.

The 1st one… is someone litterly drafting their favorite hero cause it’s what they want regardless of ranked compositions, map selection and flow of the team.
For example… Picking hammer cause you just want to blast the team.

However the OTHER form of selfish is picking a hero that you are Good with, know it can survive and do damage and such.
Sure you won’t pick what the team wants to combo with…but you are securing your own preformance. With me as of late it’s Murky.

Why do I draft murky in ranked? Not troll… but knowing what effect I have on the map.
1st off Murky dieing only has a 8 second death timer. Wich means my death’s can be tactical. Ii can litterly divert the oppenents attention to me… die… and let an ally escape and not mean ANYTHING ini the long run.

2nd off Murky is a wild card charater that can respond to alot of things safely with his E and his no mana pool. I don’t have to back out cause of my resources.

3rd off Murky isn’t too reliant on ally preformance. As long as they don’t die you will do fiine. Even if you aren’t winning the lane.

This is the selfish factor I use alot. Picking whatever I think I can use to win a game on my terms rather then picking something to win a game on ally terms.
Shamefully alot of people do this too now. Since inicreasing your personal chances is better then leaving it to fate… or your allies doing what is needed to win.
Thus everyone starts being Selfish to win the game… but this causes too much disconnect between the team cause everyone is doing their own thing… thus if an oppenent is coordinating… all these solo artists will die.

The problem is simply put…the drafting and picking thing.
In LoL this had a problem too where you have to draft as a support cause no one else wants to, but they fixed it with saying: “Pick two roles and you will never end up as the other 3.”
At the moment HOTS can’t do this “yet” But let’s face it… people hate being bombed to another role cause of someone lockinig 1st or not being their turn.

Overall MMR’s system has been done right as much as they can… but it’s just impossible to rate every variable iin the system… as it doesn’t require a strong server and system… but a human mind to value every action correctly… afterall. Some people value their tanks saving them… while others rather have them kill and stun enemies.

Dude … MMR is all wrong and Hero league is bad built … its uncompreensive someone who enters competitive mode and dont knows basics of game. Dont know what is soak , the deference between tank and bruiser , what is AA what is DPS dont know how to rotate , pick solo laner to go 4 men lane all game, i play over a 1y this game and over 80% of matches i lost i because people dont know basics … im stock inj silver because 80% of my matches have one or more of thoose players. The MMR should be reseted and get more restrictions to competitive mode to improve match quality cause im really tired of this game as it is.

I feel great pain reading some of those posts.

So many people can’t even make a simple sentence without making my head hurt.

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