Trolls in Grandmaster

How is that possible that there are people who are in grandmaster and does not care about tank and healer at all. Just instalocking assassins and it is free lose usually. How such “players” achieve such high ranks?




They master the mechanics of a hero and play only him.


Means they are useless for a teamgame as they cannot play anything but one character that may get banned.

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Useless is a bit farfetched seeing that they reached GM. I mean, whatever they did , they reached GM.

Did you play with them at a GM game?

Its not a problem unless team doesn’t have anyone who can adapt and play tank healer. And usually there is players who can adapt. Especially in master league. If there’s someone really good Zera player for example, its not a free lose on the hands of highly skilled player.

Unfortunately assassins character has the biggest impact on the game. If you look at the GM leaderboard. You can see there’s like 80% players that main assassins.

Something like 80% GM players are assassin players mainly. And I can sure you that they do not handle 1 or 2 character. They handle pretty much all. It’s just that the highly skilled assassins have biggest impact on the game and they know it and so they play it.

the most annoying thing is this ranking system. no matter how hard I try or how good i play, if my teammates are useless I have no chance to rank up. this should be changed to a personal ranking system. like no matter if you win or lose, you will get or lose point depending how you performed in the previous match…