Valeera's viability

As a Valeera main it’s sad to see her very low winrates. She’s a quick-match hero and the most terrible pick in unranked draft, and it’s easy to explain why. No, her damage isn’t bad, her health and survivability aren’t bad either. It’s 2 simple reasons:

  • No %-based damage, making her terrible against any non-mage. This is very simply the reason she is absolute garbage in drafting.
  • Get 1 dmg to unstealth. Happens almost every engage. She’s terrible without her stealth opener. With the stealth rework, which basically means her stealth is just an anti-point-and-click-shield instead of stealth, anybody has her out of stealth from a mile away.

Easy fix without making her broken? Possibly add %-based damage and make her stealth abilities available for another 1 or 2 sec after receiving damage. Or much more range after 3 sec anti-point-and-click-shield. Also a shadowstep talent? <3 <3 <3

Valeera is not just another assassin. She has an anti-carry role in meta. When a team puts all their eggs in one assassin like tracer or illidan, valeera is a good counter with stun,silence,blind.
It may seem unfair for some heroes to get stuck with a niche role which makes them less viable for most games but that’s the price of having this many heroes. Some are going to be situational and imo it’s better for the game that a stealth hero with lots of cc and burst damage is.

Your logic is wrong and I will explain to you why. In fact I think that valeera is maybe one of the strongest heroes we have at this moment. Let’s say that it’s true you think a hero that can one shot the majority of assassins and bruisers but it’s very squishy it’s bad I get it, but you are wrong. The reason why valeera have those win ratios is simple, people dont like to play valeera properly. You know a lot people who are patient enough to camp a place for 2 mins while they are getting wave xp waiting for a free kill in stealth mode? I don’t. Actually valeera’s counterplay is 0 if you are an assasin and get you during a rotation and even on team fight yo ucan do a lot about her. Valeera’s only weak point is the stealth breaker. But explain to me how you counter play an one shot anti-mage who is completely stealth camping for you in rotations? One of the most broken champions so far that people dont know how to play. She is totally abused by the few players in high ranks who are patient enough to play her. And I dont need to mention that she requires extreme positioning and good aim to land her combo even with the lvl 1 slow, things that you need a lot games to master.

You are right on some points but also wrong. Let me explain it to you.

Yes, Valeera is underappriciated since most people dont know how to play it in low ranks.

No, you are wrong that valeera is one of the strongest heroes. It is true that you can caught players on rotations and right positioned valeera can cause lot of problems…that is also in low ranks.

Keep in mind that higher ranked games where Valeera is picked, people dont rotate same way as they would had valeera not been picked. Valeera’s value gets really low when you cant use it for ganks/rotations.