Your advice on how to get out of bronze is invalid, and the matchmaking sucks

Oki so you lost 5 in a row. You do understand what that proves is that platinium players are not too far skillwise from bronze?

Or that you shouldnt be playing at plat to start with

Yeah, I’m convinced now that Pandagic is trolling. He probably thinks that he is some godtier level player and his “help” can get every player to GMs.

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Facts are facts, you can hide from those but that will get you nowhere

I don’t feel inadequate at platinum, in fact if I focus solely on tanking I can even go higher, plus I got there on two accs, not one.

EDIT btw I just had a game where our guy prepicked lucio and in last second swapped it to Butcher so we don’t have a healer. Did poorly but we still won because its bronze league and nothing makes sense (opposition was terrible)

Edit 2: Enough for today, I ended up winning 5 games and losing only two today. loss, win, loss, win win win win. One loss came from terrible teammates iirc and second loss came from super wonky setup not a bad play but bad picks. Last win was stomp, our Garrosh flipped them around like nothing and we scored a kill almost every time. Teammates good, opposition terrible. The Garrosh I played with was bronze 4, and plays like any other plat player. I presume he is in mmr hell, bless his soul, that poor guy.

Someone that can’t hold platinum is not platinum. I started this season after a long break in Gold 1 and ranked up into Platinum 4. My winrate rises from one to
other week.

Okey so it sounds like you are getting that 50% bronze winrate. So far it has only been too little games to make any major conclusion about your true skill level but cleary it is somewhere low plat-high bronze.

Also which seem to be trending is there really isnt that big of a skill difference in high bronze to low plat. This might be added reason why people blame matchmaking. It makes sense.

@Joker That might be true, but then again I am still in plat even after like 70-80 wins atm.

Update: I dropped back to bronze 2, playing Lunara atm since she dropped from the lootbox and I had 100k+ damage while my Li ming and Guldan ended at 50-60. It could have been easy win even with Ming bot but Guldan insisted on avoiding fights on obj all game long and going solo lane at level 25. This is the worst part about my bronze experience so far, if you try real hard you will only drag the game to 25+ min and waste time. Thats why low rated ppl give up so fast, they are so used to this stuff. I mean, I did have ~17k xp gain while Guldan had only 14-5 because mr. headhunter only left when obj. was up to hunt heads.

PS Another game where I would love to record blizz bot in action but I can’t be bothered. Running left right not doing anything as if it can’t decide what to do next for 10-15 seconds, pushing enemy keeps late game so deep it just gets ganked etc. Sometimes getting a bot is free win for the enemy team.

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Again you just complain your team mates implying that you played great based on two stats you let others know. How about we watch this replay together and see how good you really played?

You seem to be missing the point here Panda, let me post here for people who are actually stuck in bronze but feel are more of a gold or plat level players share my experience with them and how eventually they can get out.

Also, if you think I would want to spend time analyzing the replays with you, based on how illogical and nonsensical you act on forums, you are completely wrong.

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I have based every single argument to solid facts. It is different way to view the game than you, you are correct on that. Try to think objectivly this tho:

You have been hardstuck at gold/plat for long time now with your logic and your sense. “When you repeat same thing over and over again and expect different outcome, it is called insanity” So maybe some other logic, sense, style whatever you want to call it, might actually work?

Why my mindset would work?

  1. I have never been hardstuck at low ranks
  2. When i play with new or veteran account I get much better results than you
  3. I have helped already many low rank guys with great tips they have used and make progress in their gameplay
  4. I went to your maxium(highest) rank with 100 % winrate (plat1)

So please, just think objectivly. Which one of us has better understandment of game? The one who is hardstuck or the one who run to the same rank with flawless winratio?

Im not bronze, but can confirm that problem is that you play with two new account mates (smurfs) with third as veteran account. The more wider rank difference you have the easier matches you have. (I believe that “bronze is not bronze”, because making new smurf is super easy)

How is that true? Because smurfs mmr is not stable (starts from silver or bronze, even thought should be diamond or plat usually). It makes matchmaker to think that lets have fair match up by matching “smurf team” versus team of solo players with ranks in highest rank. Yes this seems to be fair in mmr wise (average mmr and takes consider low ranks), but in reality party team will stomp easily. This happens sometimes every secomd game so ranking up is hard for solo player.

If you dont believe I can easily show some really hard matches for me because enemy has very wellrounded composition and mine is just typical plat composition and consisting “I want to play heroes or even trolls”.

Also just month ago had 55% wr in plat and now about 51% in gold high. More than 200 games in ranked.

Sorry Zmaj, but if you can’t carry out of Bronze, it is entirely your own fault. The matchmaker doesn’t know about your main account, and will only count the progress you have had so far. Now 5 losses in a row are nowhere even close enough to the amount of matches you’ll need for the system to recognise your skill. Maybe you were unlucky, maybe you got tilted after a loss or two since you underestimated the skill level in Bronze, maybe you were tilted after having a bad day or whatever. I made a smurf a few months ago to play with a friend of mine that just got into the game - I started to play ranked for fun on that account a few weeks ago by myself, mainly playing heroes that I never play on my main account. I got placed in Bronze 1 and I’m sitting at a 100% winrate with over 20 games, being in Gold 1 now.


Gotta be honest man, I always go solo que and quite rarely get highly skilled smurf premades against me. Of course I have met during climbs many smurfs but usually they aint too good.

What comes to your winrate and rank, the more you play the more accurate you will find your true rank

Thing is that I know even better than most of the banners in my game. Lately got teammates who literally first pick nova (ofc enemy goes shield+heal, which makes game too hard for me as we cant kill anyone) even thought I said not pick her.

The level difference between players is devastating, players dying like flies, not taking camps, while enemy takes camps and soak before objective. This all happend weirdly after solid wr of over 55 % with more than 100 games. Also last ladder I was silver and now Im nowhere of that rank (have won many platinum and diamonds during my travel).

I can say that 60% of my losses comes from awfull drafts compared to enemy teams draft. But I have seen that with bruiser heroes or tanks or constant healer the win is more easier than with mage.
If you just play less than 100 games you wont see the reality of ladder mess. I dont know how many games you played with veteran account, but doubt you played much.

Can I have your bronze acc please? I would really love a bronze acc, would be so fun :frowning:
On a side note, the forums are: “OMG I am so good but it is impossible to win in Bronze because of match making”
-> smurf acc goes into bronze and gets 80%+ winrate
forums: “OMG smurf abuser ban him, I cant win because of smurfs on the enemy team”.
and then it goes in circles.


I am sure high % of your overall ranked winrate comes from enemy team player(s) doing the same silly things in draft/game than your teammates.

You may spin the topic sideways, upsidedowns or any direction but in the end it always come down to one simple thing:
If you improve yourself you will get to better ranks

None of the matchmaking, bad allies etc excuses do nothing when you reach high individual skill level. You will run thru those ranks like butter

in the end this leads to only thing, the win goes to the team which is less trolled/ have less potatoes.

the issue is, u cant forbid potatoes to play ranked and thus they will keep dragging down others

High skill level player can carry low rank games with high winrate

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isnt it jsut a case of the enemy team having worse potatoes compared to ur own team? u sure it s that players skill?