2 CP Rework Suggestion


What’s boring in 2 CPs :

  • capping a point for 999999 hours because there is a lucio wallriding,
  • winning a fight is not rewarding (unlike payloads),
  • draws are too easy to get,
  • ultimates are too important, if you don’t wipe out all team at once, you won’t cap,
  • infinite capping means infinite restart of the game.

I have an idea that won’t solve all problems entirely, but which should help a lot :

If the attacking team has more people on the capture point, then the percentage goes up to 100%, no matter what.
If this is too extreme, you could need +2 people on the point (or +3, +4…).
To balance that, I think the capture should last longer.

  • no more Lucio wallriding for days,
  • when you win a fight, you increase the %, at least you “win” something,
  • there would still be draws, but MUCH LESS,
  • ultimates stays important, but now you can win a point without it more easyly,
  • no change to : “infinite capping means infinite restart of the game”.

Thank you for reading (and sharing thoughts).

Sorry but no. This won’t solve anything. What about heroes that are not intended to be on the point? For example: Ana wants to play away from her team does she have play point know? Or are Moira and Lucio the new meta now? Do you automatically lose when you play widow on defense because she is terrible at playing on the point?

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you should, yes…

the easiest way to stop 2cp stalling is to stop people being able to swap heros in overtime, or if their is more than 3 enemys on the point…

then no last second swaps to lucio, hammond, tracer etc

It might create other problems, notably about heroe balancing, but it will solve others for sure. I think it is worth it.

Actually, you WANT to play heroes that are hard to kill like Lucio, Mei… this kind of map already has a big effect on picks and their efficiency.
Overwatch is about choosing good picks, this would only change the meta for that kind of map. I prefer a meta change than keeping this 2 CP broken system.
No, it would not make Ana useless, Ana helps a lot her teamattes to stay alive and preventing the enemy team to have more people on the point, especially with her ultimate. Also, I believe Ana’s best positions are never very far away from the last point, and she can help contest in case of a rush thanks to her powerful grenade.
No, it would not make Widow useless, she is about making picks, then reducing the number of enemies on the point as well. Of course she would be a bad choice against dive, but isn’t she already ?
Just like 2/2/2 have pros and cons, don’t neglect this one has pros as well.

The easiest way to stop 2cp stalling is to stop people being able to swap heros in overtime, or if their is more than 3 enemys on the point…

It could be an idea, but Overwatch is about adaptation. You prevent heroe switching = you break the game.