Let the Kitsune guide you: A first look at Kiriko's concept and playstyle

Let the Kitsune guide you: A first look at Kiriko's concept and playstyle

Kiriko is staged to join the support roster as Overwatch’s 35th hero, and we’re excited to share more about her personality, toolkit, and gameplay!

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Just amazing 10/10 in total for me,for design,for story,for meow <3 , I am excited to see her at Overwatch 2. Once again, well done Blizzard Activision , Overwatch team :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:

really do love this character. cant wait to play her!

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I like her, A foxy Hanzo healer? Cool but the Ultimate is just a speed boost. Kinda boring really? No protective ult? I would rather her ult buff my heal by having the fox pass through my allies i think.

But thats just me.

It is FAR more than that. It’s crazy if you managed to pull it off well. Has a high skill cap.

OW2 doesn’t need more sustain. Which is why Junker Queen got massive nerfs, and Brig was nerfed too