30 min que to login and it's not even a patch day

What’s up with the constant EU server problems? Authentication issues are a commonplace and now this? Event launcehed YESTERDAY and there’s ridiculously long que to login even into Battle dot Net. Fix your servers.

EDIT: Now the wait time is over 25000 minutes. Great job Blizzard!

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I just tried to open blizz and for me it says:
Estimated wait ~1066015 minutes

Guess I’ll go build in sims instead

They are fixing something, so you wait in a queue instead of being in game. It’ll pass.

because its prepatch day on WoW

all you need to do is click “go offline” then open overwatch and log in there

I’m getting 50 mins wait times when I queue in overwatch competitive, Fun times

Battle.net isn’t only for Overwatch y’know, there are alot of other users that play other games on this platform so it’s only normal if wait times exist even if it wasn’t a patch day for OW.