Overwatch 2 developer blog: Season 1 updates with new executive producer, Jared Neuss

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Season 1 updates with new executive producer, Jared Neuss

A new hero joins the Overwatch team, and he's here to share some mid-season updates!

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The new ranked system is terrible. I donā€™t know what you guys are cookin there.

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My games have actually felt much more rewarding today than in the last month. It feels more balanced and each round has been an exciting tightrope run to see which team wins.

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Please, please just show me my SR. Why do you keep taking things away from us? Just show me my number, this system accomplishes exactly the opposite of what you set out to do if what is being reported is true. If this system is designed, ā€œto decrease anxiety, and agitationā€ you have utterly failed. I suspect itā€™s more closely designed to keep you playing longer and finish your set rather than what we were told.

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First off, I loooove Junker Queen!!! I demolish ppl with her! Also, with the new update, I seen like a skin or something appear down below but Iā€™m not sure wat it wasā€¦ ?? Anybody know?? as far as the game the only thing I donā€™t like is when youā€™re doing total mayhem Zaria is virtually Unkillable because of the time that sheā€™s allowed to get in her bubble. Which on the first OW, it was never like that constant where she just is unkillable. But other than that I mean, itā€™s a whole new game basically, sort of so I think people need to give the creators and everybody who worked on it like a huge break because it is awesome and the wait times were always long for damage that should not matter go look at the shop while youā€™re waiting or look at your battle pass while youā€™re waiting or look at your challenges while youā€™re waiting and I assure you the time will go faster.

First of all, thank you for recognising the need to communicate and address issues. I never comment on the forums and stick to Reddit, but since you claim to read feedback I thought I would give it here.

Everyone, their mother and their unborn child agrees that Level 55 is too high for the hero unlock tier. People feel it should be at most 30 as the current requirement takes most of the season to reach (I reached 55 yesterday after playing regularly since launch). Everyone should be able to comfortably unlock the hero during a season.

Your rewards for all roles and support queues arenā€™t good enough. Noone cares about battlepass xp. Offer credits (10 per game maybe? Which is only 10 cents worth of currency anyways) And you will see a much better response.

Glad to hear progression is being looked at. The current lack is painful, and during the Halloween event the fact that the only free skin that could be earned during the event was outside the game in a twitch drop is laughable. Giving free content, currency and progression for playing the game makes it more engaging and keeps players active.

On that note, you are too stingy with currency currently. 60 cents a week for all weekly challenges? Zero currency in the battlepass? Come on, you know this is awful.

The game is fun, the change to 5v5 has been a success. But please find a middle ground between squeezing money out of people and giving a good amount of free content. Maybe speak to the Devs at hearthstone on team 5. The F2P experience is brilliant over there.


It puts me off playing. With no kind of ā€œmeasureā€ to go by as we had with the SR rating. Sitting in Bronze 5 with know way of knowing if ive gone up slightly in SR is really disparaging. Thereā€™s no sense of achievement after 7 wins to be ā€˜rewardedā€™ with the same Bronze 5 screen.

The sombra nerf is way too much, she is completley useless now. The damage nerf destroys her abilty to deal realiable damage and her hack nerf just throws her into the garbage, i knew the balance team her horrible at their job but this is another level of horribke.

If you wait forever, eventually everything will arrive.

Give it time.

Nice, she can join Ball, Mei, Brigā€¦

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Actually, on the subject of Ballā€¦

Ballā€™s design was a feat of design genius. Rewarding quick action and quick thinking, supporting and defending the team by disrupting the enemy. Not to mention the movement mechanic being unlike anything in any other game, period. Domineering with slams and owning ults with skill.

Everything about OW2, 5v5, the removal of CC, the sprawling maze of tiny rooms around the new mapsā€¦ itā€™s all fatal for ball. Might as well have removed him.

The design ethos behind Ball was at the core of what made OW great, innovating, get back to that as soon as you can.

Kiriko, Sojourn and Queen are fine, but the ā€œborrowingā€ of game elements form other heroes is transparent in their design, whether itā€™s the wall climbing, sniping or speed boosts. Whereā€™s the next ā€œBallā€? Fix the first one, then get back to it.

Make Brig a tanky support again!

It seems that the failure of this game would be in the best interest of the industry and of gamers. Otherwise the exploitation will only get worse.

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The support is just no fun.
You dont feel useful, if a hero will die it will die, and the flankers are super strong and kill you really fast, and with only 1 tank you canā€™t have a tank defending the healers.
Give the heales chances to make a bigger role in the fights, like more ult charge, abilities to escape flankers, etc.