Season 2 retrospective: A look back and the road forward

Season 2 retrospective: A look back and the road forward

Reflections and next steps for Ramattra, seasonal events, rewards, and more

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Can you guys add more stuff to spend competitive points on like more gun skins or some cool character charms. Also amazing job I know how hard it is to keep working when a lot of people hate on you guys with no remorse but just so you know me and a lot of people enjoy what you guys do, but I just want to say thank you.

Summary what the new progression system means:
-You increased earnable free “currency” of a season from 540 (weekly 60 coins) to 2040.
-And Reduced the price of all skins by 22% (if you did that with all cosmetics that’s 787 628 coins for ALL OW1 item)

You reduced the 327 year grind that it would take to earn all OW1 cosmetics too approx. 386 seasons so… 64-65 years.

Not going to praise this, its still fixed to a time constrait, people who actually put more time into the game are not rewarded more than others.
The overwatch credits should be earnable through everyday normal gameplay like XP not through battlepass tier unlocks.

You haven’t addressed that the 60 coin weekly challange reward is INSULTINGLY low.
I get it the game needs financial support, so you can’t make it easy to earn the coins for free that are needed to buy the battlepass, but that doesn’t mean the weekly rewards are okay to be this meager.

You also didn’t address how the lack of everyday rewards gives players no motivation. People are chasing challanges with are mostly tied to wins, so QP leaving is rampant.
Reward finishing matches more maybe with these (re)introduced credits. We should get 50-60 each match not just 1500 once each season.

And 15 USD for these skins is still a ridiculous price.

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Please change the “500 credits as premium rewards” to “500 coins”, So we can at least earn half the pass back…

Or other ways too improve your “monetization” make each win reward 2 coins and draws 1. Nothing for loosing since that will encourage people to afk for coins. Making it feel like you can pay to skip instead of pay to get anything what so ever.

When the PVE mode comes out make it reward coins or credits from doing missions. And communicate that with us if that is the case. So we know its worth the wait.

Make weekly missions give 150, 100 and 50 credits so they feel more rewarding. To play the game.

Bring back levels making each level reward you with 1 cosmetic at random.
Maybe gray, gray, blue, gray, gray, blue, gray, gray, blue, epic (legendary every 50 levels)
or even just make it so u get fragments making them cheaper to buy later on the more you collect the cheaper the items get until you can claim them for free if you are lucky you can get a fragment that you can redeem on what ever item you want for that rarity. And you should be able to convert fragments you don’t want to the redeemable fragment 3-5 for 1 or something and u need 5 to claim the item for free. Making it 15-25 levels to get an item you want for free or you can buy some coins to redeem the item without trading in fragments and loosing their potential value.

Increase the coins you get from the store for putting money into the game by 50-100% making everything 50-100% cheaper. Making the coins worth buying. To spend on cosmetics in the store. And of course add the same amount to already bought coins to make people that already spent money not feel left out. Also I hope people that spend coins on legendary skins also get coin back for the extra money they spent before the lower price.

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I agree with the BattlePass should reward coins.
But I understand that they need to make money. Right now you can already earn 540 coins from the weekly challenges during a season, so +500 coins would mean that you’d never need to buy a BattlePass again as long you earn the 500 from the previous one. This idea needs to be refined more so its fair to the player and also won’t take away the game’s primary income.

I also agree that they need to give cosmetics at random, nobody is going to use these small amout of free seasonal credits on voicelines or sprays or rare skins. As many suggested, doing 4 daily challanges should simply reward a lootbox again. Only selling them is illegal, giving out random rewards is not.

Also, I’d argue that loosing rewards would result in afk-ing. GameplaySabotage/Inactivity is an offense that’s easy to report and will result in temporary account suspension even if done in Quickplay or Arcade modes.

As the game currently stand QP ragequitting/leaving is rampant because the only way to earn coins is through winning (the weekly achivements) so the moment people think the game is unwinnable, they leave. Direct 1-2 coins for wins/draw would just increase that leaver tendency as there would be even less reason to finish an obviously loosing match.